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psychmeta (version 2.6.4)

get_stuff: Extract results from a psychmeta meta-analysis object


Functions to extract specific results from a meta-analysis tibble. This family of functions harvests information from meta-analysis objects and returns it as lists or tibbles that are easily navigable.

Available functions include:

  • get_stuff
    Wrapper function for all other "get_" functions.

  • get_metatab
    Retrieve list of meta-analytic tables.

  • get_ad
    Retrieve list of artifact-distribution objects or a summary table of artifact descriptive statistics.

  • get_plots
    Retrieve list of meta-analytic plots.

  • get_escalc
    Retrieve list of escalc objects (i.e., effect-size data) for use with metafor.

  • get_metafor
    Alias for get_escalc.

  • get_followup
    Retrieve list of follow-up analyses.

  • get_leave1out
    Retrieve list of leave-one-out meta-analyses (special case of get_followup).

  • get_cumulative
    Retrieve list of cumulative meta-analyses (special case of get_followup).

  • get_bootstrap
    Retrieve list of bootstrap meta-analyses (special case of get_followup).

  • get_metareg
    Retrieve list of meta-regression analyses (special case of get_followup).

  • get_heterogeneity
    Retrieve list of heterogeneity analyses (special case of get_followup).

  • get_matrix
    Retrieve a tibble of matrices summarizing the relationships among constructs (only applicable to meta-analyses with multiple constructs).


  what = c("metatab", "escalc", "metafor", "ad", "followup", "heterogeneity",
    "leave1out", "cumulative", "bootstrap", "metareg", "matrix", "plots"),
  analyses = "all",
  match = c("all", "any"),
  case_sensitive = TRUE,
  ma_method = c("bb", "ic", "ad"),
  correction_type = c("ts", "vgx", "vgy"),
  moderators = FALSE,
  as_ad_obj = TRUE,
  inputs_only = FALSE,
  ad_type = c("tsa", "int"),
  follow_up = c("heterogeneity", "leave1out", "cumulative", "bootstrap", "metareg"),
  plot_types = c("funnel", "forest", "leave1out", "cumulative"),

get_escalc( ma_obj, analyses = "all", match = c("all", "any"), case_sensitive = TRUE, moderators = TRUE, ... )

get_metafor( ma_obj, analyses = "all", match = c("all", "any"), case_sensitive = TRUE, moderators = TRUE, ... )

get_metatab( ma_obj, analyses = "all", match = c("all", "any"), case_sensitive = TRUE, ma_method = c("bb", "ic", "ad"), correction_type = c("ts", "vgx", "vgy"), ... )

get_ad( ma_obj, analyses = "all", match = c("all", "any"), case_sensitive = TRUE, ma_method = c("ad", "ic"), ad_type = c("tsa", "int"), as_ad_obj = FALSE, inputs_only = FALSE, ... )

get_followup( ma_obj, analyses = "all", match = c("all", "any"), case_sensitive = TRUE, follow_up = c("heterogeneity", "leave1out", "cumulative", "bootstrap", "metareg"), ... )

get_heterogeneity( ma_obj, analyses = "all", match = c("all", "any"), case_sensitive = TRUE, ... )

get_leave1out( ma_obj, analyses = "all", match = c("all", "any"), case_sensitive = TRUE, ... )

get_cumulative( ma_obj, analyses = "all", match = c("all", "any"), case_sensitive = TRUE, ... )

get_bootstrap( ma_obj, analyses = "all", match = c("all", "any"), case_sensitive = TRUE, ... )

get_metareg( ma_obj, analyses = "all", match = c("all", "any"), case_sensitive = TRUE, ... )

get_matrix( ma_obj, analyses = "all", match = c("all", "any"), case_sensitive = TRUE, ... )

get_plots( ma_obj, analyses = "all", match = c("all", "any"), case_sensitive = TRUE, plot_types = c("funnel", "forest", "leave1out", "cumulative"), ... )


Selected set of results.



A psychmeta meta-analysis object.


For the get_stuff() function only: Character scalar telling get_stuff() what to get. All suffixes from functions in the "get_" family can be passed as arguments to what: "metatab", "escalc", "metafor", "ad", "followup", "heterogeneity", "leave1out", "cumulative", "bootstrap", "metareg", "matrix", "plots"


Which analyses to extract? Can be either "all" to extract references for all meta-analyses in the object (default) or a list containing one or more of the following arguments:

  • construct: A list or vector of construct names to search for.

  • construct_pair: A list of vectors of construct pairs to search for.
    (e.g., list(c("X", "Y"), c("X", "Z"))).

  • pair_id: A list or vector of numeric construct pair IDs (unique construct-pair indices).

  • analysis_id: A list or vector of numeric analysis IDs (unique analysis indexes).

  • k_min: A numeric value specifying the minimum k for extracted meta-analyses.

  • N_min: A numeric value specifying the minimum N for extracted meta-analyses.


Should extracted meta-analyses match all (default) or any of the criteria given in analyses?


Logical scalar that determines whether character values supplied in analyses should be treated as case sensitive (TRUE, default) or not (FALSE).


Meta-analytic methods to be included. Valid options are: "bb", "ic", and "ad"


Types of meta-analytic corrections to be incldued. Valid options are: "ts", "vgx", and "vgy"


Logical scalar that determines whether moderator variables should be included in escalc objects (TRUE; default) or not (FALSE).


Logical scalar that determines whether artifact information should be returned as artifact-distribution objects (TRUE) or a summary table of artifact-distribution descriptive statistics (FALSE; default).


Used only if as_ad_obj = TRUE: Logical scalar that determines whether artifact information should be returned as summaries of the raw input values (TRUE) or artifact values that may have been cross-corrected for range restriction and measurement error (FALSE; default).


Used only if ma_method = "ic": Character value(s) indicating whether Taylor-series approximation artifact distributions ("tsa") and/or interactive artifact distributions ("int") should be retrieved.


Vector of follow-up analysis names (options are: "heterogeneity", "leave1out", "cumulative", "bootstrap", "metareg").


Vector of plot types (options are: "funnel", "forest", "leave1out", "cumulative"; multiple allowed).


Additional arguments.


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
## Run meta-analysis:
ma_obj <- ma_r(ma_method = "ic", rxyi = rxyi, n = n, rxx = rxxi, ryy = ryyi,
               construct_x = x_name, construct_y = y_name,
               sample_id = sample_id, citekey = NULL,
               moderators = moderator, data = data_r_meas_multi,
               impute_artifacts = FALSE, clean_artifacts = FALSE)
ma_obj <- ma_r_ad(ma_obj, correct_rr_x = FALSE, correct_rr_y = FALSE)

## Run additional analyses:
ma_obj <- heterogeneity(ma_obj)
ma_obj <- sensitivity(ma_obj, boot_iter = 10, boot_ci_type = "norm")
ma_obj <- metareg(ma_obj)
ma_obj <- plot_funnel(ma_obj)
ma_obj <- plot_forest(ma_obj)

## View summary:

## Extract selected analyses:
get_ad(ma_obj, ma_method = "ic", as_ad_obj = TRUE)
get_ad(ma_obj, ma_method = "ic", as_ad_obj = FALSE)

## Same extractions as above, but using get_stuff() and the "what" argument:
get_stuff(ma_obj, what = "metatab")
get_stuff(ma_obj, what = "matrix")
get_stuff(ma_obj, what = "escalc")
get_stuff(ma_obj, what = "bootstrap")
get_stuff(ma_obj, what = "cumulative")
get_stuff(ma_obj, what = "leave1out")
get_stuff(ma_obj, what = "heterogeneity")
get_stuff(ma_obj, what = "metareg")
get_stuff(ma_obj, what = "plots")
get_stuff(ma_obj, what = "ad", ma_method = "ic", as_ad_obj = TRUE)
get_stuff(ma_obj, what = "ad", ma_method = "ic", as_ad_obj = FALSE)

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