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psychmeta (version 2.6.5)

metabulate: Write a summary table of meta-analytic results


Write a summary table of meta-analytic results


  file = NULL,
  output_dir = getwd(),
  output_format = c("word", "html", "pdf", "odt", "text", "rmd"),
  show_msd = TRUE,
  show_conf = TRUE,
  show_cred = TRUE,
  show_se = FALSE,
  show_var = FALSE,
  analyses = "all",
  match = c("all", "any"),
  case_sensitive = TRUE,
  ma_method = "ad",
  correction_type = "ts",
  collapse_construct_labels = TRUE,
  bold_headers = TRUE,
  digits = 2L,
  decimal.mark = getOption("OutDec"),
  leading0 = "conditional",
  drop0integer = FALSE,
  neg.sign = "−",
  pos.sign = "figure_html",
  big.mark = " ",
  big.interval = 3L,
  small.mark = " ",
  small.interval = 3L,
  na.mark = "—",
  lgl.mark = c("+", "−"),
  inf.mark = c("+∞", "−∞"),
  conf_format = "brackets",
  cred_format = "brackets",
  symbol_es = "ES",
  caption = "Results of meta-analyses",
  header = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE,
  unicode = NULL,
  bib = NULL,
  title.bib = NULL,
  style = "apa",
  additional_citekeys = NULL,
  save_build_files = FALSE,


A list of meta-analysis results tibbles with "caption" and "footnote" attributes.

If file is specified, formatted tables and bibliographies are exported in the requested output_format.

Formatted tables of meta-analytic output.



A psychmeta meta-analysis object.


The filename (optionally with a subfolder path) for the output file. If NULL, the function will output directly to the R console (also useful if you want to include psychmeta results in a larger RMarkdown document).


The filepath for the output directory/folder. Defaults to the current working directory.


The format of the output tables. Available options are Word (default), HTML, PDF (requires LaTeX and the unicode-math LaTeX package to be installed), ODT, rmd (Rmarkdown), and text (plain text). You can also specify the full name of another RMarkdown output_format.


Logical. Should means and standard deviations of effect sizes be shown (default TRUE)


Logical. Should confidence intervals be shown (default: TRUE)?


Logical. Should credibility intervals be shown (default: TRUE)?


Logical Should standard errors be shown (default: FALSE)?


Logical. Should variances be shown (default: FALSE)?


Which analyses to extract references for? See filter_ma for details.


Match all or any of the filter criteria? See filter_ma for details.


Logical scalar that determines whether character values supplied in analyses should be treated as case sensitive (TRUE, default) or not (FALSE).


Meta-analytic methods to be included. Valid options are: "ad", "ic", and "bb". Multiple methods are permitted. By default, results are given for one method with order of priority: 1. "ad", 2. "ic", 3. "bb".


Type of meta-analytic corrections to be incldued. Valid options are: "ts" (default), "vgx", and "vgy". Multiple options are permitted.


Should the construct labels for construct pairs with multiple rows of results be simplified so that only the first occurence of each set of construct names is shown (TRUE; default) or should construct labels be shown for each row of the table (FALSE).


Logical. Should column headers be bolded (default: TRUE)?

digits, decimal.mark, leading0, drop0integer, neg.sign, pos.sign, big.mark, big.interval, small.mark, small.interval, na.mark, lgl.mark, inf.mark

Number formatting arguments. See format_num for details.


How should confidence intervals be formatted? Options are:

  • parentheses: Bounds are enclosed in parentheses and separated by a comma: (LO, UP).

  • brackets: Bounds are enclosed in square brackets and separated by a comma: [LO, UP].

  • columns: Bounds are shown in individual columns.


How should credility intervals be formatted? Options are the same as for conf_format above.


For meta-analyses of generic (non-r, non-d) effect sizes, the symbol used for the effect sizes (default: symbol_es = "ES").


Caption to print before tables. Either a character scalar or a named character vector with names corresponding to combinations of ma_method and correction_type (i.e., bb, ic_ts, ad_vgx, etc.).


A list of YAML header parameters to pass to render.


Logical. Should detailed SD and variance components be shown (default: FALSE)?


Logical. If output_format is "text", should UTF-8 characters be used (defaults to system default).


A BibTeX file containing the citekeys for the meta-analyses. If provided and file is not NULL, a bibliography will be included with the meta-analysis table. See generate_bib for additional arguments controlling the bibliography.


The title to give to the bibliography (see bib above). If NULL, defaults to "Sources Contributing to Meta-Analyses"


What style should the bibliography (see bib above) be formatted in? Can be a file path or URL for a CSL citation style or the style ID for any style available from the Zotero Style Repository). Defaults to APA style. (Retrieving a style by ID requires an internet connection. If unavailable, references will be rendered in Chicago style.).


Additional citekeys to include in the reference list (see bib above).


Should the RMarkdown and BibLaTeX (if any) files used to generate the output be saved (default: FALSE)?


Additional arguments to pass to render.

See Also

Other output functions: generate_bib(), metabulate_rmd_helper()