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psychmeta (version 2.6.5)

reshape_mat2dat: Extract a long-format correlation database from a correlation matrix and its supporting vectors/matrices of variable information


This function is designed to extract data from a correlation matrix that is in the format commonly published in journals, with leading columns of construct names and descriptive statistics being listed along with correlation data.


  common_data = NULL,
  unique_data = NULL,
  diag_label = NULL,
  lower_tri = TRUE,
  data = NULL


Long-format data frame of correlation data, variable names, and supporting information



Vector (or scalar column name to match with data) containing variable names.


Square matrix (or vector of column names to match with data) containing correlations among variables.


Vector or matrix (or vector of column names to match with data) of data common to both X and Y variables (e.g., sample size, study-wise moderators).


Vector or matrix (or vector of column names to match with data) of data unique to X and Y variables (e.g., mean, SD, reliability).


Optional name to attribute to values extracted from the diagonal of the matrix (if NULL, no values are extracted from the diagonal).


Logical scalar that identifies whether the correlations are in the lower triangle (TRUE) or in the upper triangle FALSE of the matrix.


Matrix or data frame containing study data (when present, column names of data will be matched to column names provided as other arguments).


Jack W. Kostal


Run this code
## Create a hypothetical matrix of data from a small study:
mat <- data.frame(var_names = c("X", "Y", "Z"),
                  n = c(100, 100, 100),
                  mean = c(4, 5, 3),
                  sd = c(2.4, 2.6, 2),
                  rel = c(.8, .7, .85),
                  reshape_vec2mat(cov = c(.3, .4, .5)))

## Arguments can be provided as quoted characters or as the unquoted names of `data`'s columns:
reshape_mat2dat(var_names = var_names,
               cor_data = c("Var1", "Var2", "Var3"),
               common_data = "n",
               unique_data = c("mean", "sd", "rel"),
               data = mat)

## Arguments can also provided as raw vectors, matrices, or data frames, without a data argument:
reshape_mat2dat(var_names = mat[,1],
               cor_data = mat[,6:8],
               common_data = mat[,2],
               unique_data = mat[,3:5])

## If data is not null, arguments can be a mix of matrix/data frame/vector and column-name arguments
reshape_mat2dat(var_names = mat[,1],
               cor_data = mat[,6:8],
               common_data = "n",
               unique_data = c("mean", "sd", "rel"),
               data = mat)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab