psychmeta (version 2.7.0)

reshape_wide2long: Reshape database from wide format to long format


This function automates the process of converting a wide-format database (i.e., a database in which intercorrelations between construct pairs define the columns, such that there are multiple columns of correlations) to a long-format database (i.e., a database with just one column of correlations). The meta-analysis functions in psychmeta work best with long-format databases, so this function can be a helpful addition to one's workflow when data are organized in a wide format.


  common_vars = NULL,
  es_design = NULL,
  n_design = NULL,
  other_design = NULL,
  es_name = "rxyi",
  missing_col_action = c("warn", "ignore", "stop")


A long-format database



Database of data for use in a meta-analysis in "wide" format.


String vector of column names relevant to all variables in data.


p x p matrix containing the names of columns of intercorrelations among variables in the lower triangle of the matrix.


Scalar sample-size column name or a p x p matrix containing the names of columns of sample sizes the lower triangle of the matrix.


A matrix with variable names on the rows and names of long-format variables to create on the columns. Elements of this matrix must be column names of data.


Name of the effect size represented in data.


Character scalar indicating how missing columns should be handled. Options are: "warn", "ignore", and "stop"


Run this code
n_params = c(mean = 150, sd = 20)
rho_params <- list(c(.1, .3, .5),
                   c(mean = .3, sd = .05),
                   rbind(value = c(.1, .3, .5), weight = c(1, 2, 1)))
rel_params = list(c(.7, .8, .9),
                  c(mean = .8, sd = .05),
                  rbind(value = c(.7, .8, .9), weight = c(1, 2, 1)))
sr_params = c(list(1, 1, c(.5, .7)))
sr_composite_params = list(1, c(.5, .6, .7))
wt_params = list(list(c(1, 2, 3),
                      c(mean = 2, sd = .25),
                      rbind(value = c(1, 2, 3), weight = c(1, 2, 1))),
                 list(c(1, 2, 3),
                      c(mean = 2, sd = .25),
                      rbind(value = c(1, 2, 3), weight = c(1, 2, 1))))

## Simulate with wide format
if (FALSE) {
data <- simulate_r_database(k = 10, n_params = n_params, rho_params = rho_params,
                          rel_params = rel_params, sr_params = sr_params,
                          sr_composite_params = sr_composite_params, wt_params = wt_params,
                          var_names = c("X", "Y", "Z"), format = "wide")$statistics

## Define values to abstract from the data object
common_vars <- "sample_id"
es_design <- matrix(NA, 3, 3)
var_names <- c("X", "Y", "Z")
es_design[lower.tri(es_design)] <- c("rxyi_X_Y", "rxyi_X_Z", "rxyi_Y_Z")
rownames(es_design) <- colnames(es_design) <- var_names
n_design <- "ni"
other_design <- cbind(rxxi = paste0("parallel_rxxi_", var_names),
                      ux_local = paste0("ux_local_", var_names),
                      ux_external = paste0("ux_external_", var_names))
rownames(other_design) <- var_names

## Reshape the data to "long" format
reshape_wide2long(data = data, common_vars = common_vars, es_design = es_design,
                           n_design = n_design, other_design = other_design)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab