## Data ##
## simulate response from Rost's scenario 2 (with 2 latent classes)
r2 <- simRaschmix(design = "rost2")
## plus informative and non-informative concomitants
d <- data.frame(
x1 = rbinom(nrow(r2), prob = c(0.4, 0.6)[attr(r2, "cluster")], size = 1),
x2 = rnorm(nrow(r2))
d$resp <- r2
## fit model with 2 latent classes (here the number is known a priori)
m <- raschmix(r2, k = 2, scores = "saturated")
## see below for examples which do not use this a priori information
## (these take a little longer to compute)
# \donttest{
## Rasch mixture model with saturated score model ##
## (Rost, 1990) ##
## fit models for k = 1, 2, 3
m1 <- raschmix(r2, k = 1:3, score = "saturated")
## equivalently: m1 <- raschmix(resp ~ 1, data = d, k = 1:3, score = "saturated")
## inspect results
## select best BIC model
m1b <- getModel(m1, which = "BIC")
## compare estimated with true item parameters
parameters(m1b, "item") ## 9 items, item_1 = 0
worth(m1b) ## 10 items, sum = 0
attr(r2, "difficulty")
## graphical comparison
plot(m1b, pos = "top")
for(i in 1:2) lines(attr(r2, "difficulty")[,i], lty = 2, type = "b")
## extract estimated raw score probabilities
## (approximately equal across components and roughly uniform)
## note: parameters() and worth() take "component" argument
parameters(m1b, "item", component = 2)
parameters(m1b, "score", component = 1)
worth(m1b, component = 2:1)
## inspect posterior probabilities
head(posterior(m1b)) ## for first observations only
## compare resulting clusters with true groups
table(model = clusters(m1b), true = attr(r2, "cluster"))
# }
# \donttest{
## Rasch mixture model with mean/variance score distribution ##
## (Rost & von Davier, 1995) ##
## more parsimonious parameterization,
## fit multinomial logit model for score probabilities
## fit models and select best BIC
m2 <- raschmix(r2, k = 1:3, score = "meanvar")
m2b <- getModel(m2, which = "BIC")
## compare number of estimated parameters
## graphical comparison with true parameters
plot(m2b, pos = "top")
for(i in 1:2) lines(attr(r2, "difficulty")[,i], lty = 2, type = "b")
## results from non-parametric and parametric specification
## essentially identical
max(abs(worth(m1b) - worth(m2b, component = 2:1)))
# }
## Concomitant variables ##
## employ concomitant variables (x1 = informative, x2 = not)
if (FALSE) {
## fit model
cm2 <- raschmix(resp ~ x1 + x2, data = d, k = 2:3, score = "meanvar")
## BIC selection
rbind(m2 = BIC(m2), cm2 = c(NA, BIC(cm2)))
cm2b <- getModel(cm2, which = "BIC")
## concomitant coefficients
parameters(cm2b, which = "concomitant")
## Misc ##
## note: number of clusters can either be chosen directly
## or directly selected via AIC (or BIC, ICL)
if (FALSE) {
raschmix(r2, k = 2)
raschmix(r2, k = 1:3, which = "AIC")
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