## Data: Load and include/order wrt group variable
data("StereotypeThreat", package = "psychotools")
StereotypeThreat <- transform(StereotypeThreat, group = interaction(ethnicity, condition))
StereotypeThreat <- StereotypeThreat[order(StereotypeThreat$group),]
## Exploratory analysis (Table 2, p. 703)
tab2 <- with(StereotypeThreat, rbind(
"#" = tapply(numerical, group, length),
"Numerical" = tapply(numerical, group, mean),
" " = tapply(numerical, group, sd),
"Abstract " = tapply(abstract, group, mean),
" " = tapply(abstract, group, sd),
"Verbal " = tapply(verbal, group, mean),
" " = tapply(verbal, group, sd)))
round(tab2, digits = 2)
## Corresponding boxplots
plot(numerical ~ group, data = StereotypeThreat)
plot(abstract ~ group, data = StereotypeThreat)
plot(verbal ~ group, data = StereotypeThreat)
## MANOVA (p. 703)
m <- lm(cbind(numerical, abstract, verbal) ~ ethnicity * condition, data = StereotypeThreat)
anova(m, update(m, . ~ . - ethnicity:condition))
## corresponding univariate results
function(x) x$coefficients["ethnicityminority:conditionthreat", ])))
## MGCFA (Table 3, p. 704)
## can be replicated using package lavaan
if (FALSE) {
## convenience function for multi-group CFA on this data
mgcfa <- function(model, ...) cfa(model, data = StereotypeThreat,
group = "group", likelihood = "wishart", start = "simple", ...)
## list of all 9 models
m <- vector("list", length = 9)
names(m) <- c("m2", "m2a", "m3", "m3a", "m4", "m5", "m5a", "m5b", "m6")
## Step 2: Fix loadings across groups
f <- 'ability =~ abstract + verbal + numerical'
m$m2 <- mgcfa(f, group.equal = "loadings")
## Step 2a: Free numerical loading in group 4 (minority.threat)
f <- 'ability =~ abstract + verbal + c(l1, l1, l1, l4) * numerical'
m$m2a <- mgcfa(f, group.equal = "loadings")
## Step 3: Fix variances across groups
m$m3 <- mgcfa(f, group.equal = c("loadings", "residuals"))
## Step 3a: Free numerical variance in group 4
f <- c(f, 'numerical ~~ c(e1, e1, e1, e4) * numerical')
m$m3a <- mgcfa(f, group.equal = c("loadings", "residuals"))
## Step 4: Fix latent variances within conditions
f <- c(f, 'ability ~~ c(vmaj, vmin, vmaj, vmin) * ability')
m$m4 <- mgcfa(f, group.equal = c("loadings", "residuals"))
## Step 5: Fix certain means, free others
f <- c(f, 'numerical ~ c(na1, na1, na1, na4) * 1')
m$m5 <- mgcfa(f, group.equal = c("loadings", "residuals", "intercepts"))
## Step 5a: Free ability mean in group majority.control
f <- c(f, 'abstract ~ c(ar1, ar2, ar2, ar2) * 1')
m$m5a <- mgcfa(f, group.equal = c("loadings", "residuals", "intercepts"))
## Step 5b: Free also ability mean in group minority.control
f <- c(f[1:4], 'abstract ~ c(ar1, ar2, ar3, ar3) * 1')
m$m5b <- mgcfa(f, group.equal = c("loadings", "residuals", "intercepts"))
## Step 6: Different latent mean structure
f <- c(f, 'ability ~ c(maj, min, maj, min) * 1 + c(0, NA, 0, NA) * 1')
m$m6 <- mgcfa(f, group.equal = c("loadings", "residuals", "intercepts"))
## Extract measures of fit
tab <- t(sapply(m, fitMeasures, c("chisq", "df", "pvalue", "rmsea", "cfi")))
tab <- rbind("1" = c(0, 0, 1, 0, 1), tab)
tab <- cbind(tab,
delta_chisq = c(NA, abs(diff(tab[, "chisq"]))),
delta_df = c(NA, diff(tab[, "df"])))
tab <- cbind(tab, "pvalue2" = pchisq(tab[, "delta_chisq"],
abs(tab[, "delta_df"]), lower.tail = FALSE))
tab <- tab[, c(2, 1, 3, 7, 6, 8, 4, 5)]
round(tab, digits = 3)
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