o <- options(digits = 4)
## verbal aggression data from package psychotools
data("VerbalAggression", package = "psychotools")
## use response to the second other-to-blame situation (train)
VerbalAggression$s2 <- VerbalAggression$resp[, 7:12]
## exclude subjects who only scored in the highest or the lowest categories
VerbalAggression <- subset(VerbalAggression, rowSums(s2) > 0 & rowSums(s2) < 12)
## fit partial credit tree model
pct <- pctree(s2 ~ anger + gender, data = VerbalAggression)
## print tree (with and without parameters)
print(pct, FUN = function(x) " *")
## show summary for terminal panel nodes
## visualization
plot(pct, type = "regions")
plot(pct, type = "profile")
## extract item and threshold parameters
## inspect parameter stability tests in the splitting node
if(require("strucchange")) sctest(pct, node = 1)
options(digits = o$digits)
# \donttest{
## partial credit tree on artificial data from Komboz et al. (2018)
data("DIFSimPC", package = "psychotree")
pct2 <- pctree(resp ~ gender + age + motivation, data = DIFSimPC)
plot(pct2, ylim = c(-4.5, 4.5), names = paste("I", 1:8))
# }
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