dcount_xy: Count of points within distance of polygon
Given a base X/Y dataset, calculates number of feature points that are within particular distance
dcount_xy(base, feat, d, weight = 1)
A vector of counts (or weighted sums)
base dataset (eg gridcells), needs to be SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
feature dataset (eg another crime generator), needs to be SpatialPointsDataFrame
scaler distance to count (based on polygon boundary for base, not centroid)
if 1 (default), does not use weights, else pass in string that is the variable name for weights in feat
This generates a count (or weighted count) of features within specified distance of the basepolygon border.
Both should be projected in the same units. Uses raster::buffer() on feat dataset (which calls rgeos) and sp::over functions.
Groff, E. R. (2014). Quantifying the exposure of street segments to drinking places nearby. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 30(3), 527-548.
See Also
dist_xy() for calculating distance to nearest
count_xy() for counting points inside polygon
kern_xy() for estimating gaussian density of points for features at base polygon xy coords
bisq_xy() to estimate bi-square kernel weights of points for features at base polygon xy coords
idw_xy() to estimate inverse distance weights of points for features at base polygon xy coords