Given a base X/Y dataset, calculates clipped inverse distance weighted sums of points from feature dataset
idw_xy(base, feat, clip = 1, weight = 1)
A vector of IDW weighted sums
base dataset (eg gridcells), needs to be SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
feature dataset (eg another crime generator), needs to be SpatialPointsDataFrame
scaler minimum value for weight, default 1 (so weights cannot be below 0)
if 1 (default), does not use weights, else pass in string that is the variable name for weights in feat
This generates a inverse distance weighted sum of features within specified distance of the base centroid.
Weights are clipped to never be below clip value, which prevents division by 0 (or division by a very small distance number)
Uses loops and calculates all pairwise distances, so can be slow for large base and feature datasets. Consider
aggregating/weighting feature dataset if it is too slow. Useful for quantifying features nearby (Groff, 2014), or for egohoods
(e.g. spatial smoothing of demographic info, Hipp & Boessen, 2013).
Groff, E. R. (2014). Quantifying the exposure of street segments to drinking places nearby. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 30(3), 527-548.
Hipp, J. R., & Boessen, A. (2013). Egohoods as waves washing across the city: A new measure of “neighborhoods”. Criminology, 51(2), 287-327.
See Also
dist_xy() for calculating distance to nearest
count_xy() for counting points inside polygon
kern_xy() for estimating gaussian density of points for features at base polygon xy coords
bisq_xy() to estimate bi-square kernel weights of points for features at base polygon xy coords
idw_xy() to estimate inverse distance weights of points for features at base polygon xy coords