coda: Chromatogram selection using the CODA algorithm
The CODA algorithm calculates a so-called MCQ (Mass Chromatogram
Quality) value for every row of the input. High MCQ values correspond
with those chromatograms not containing spikes and/or a baseline.
type of smoothing: whether to use running means or
running medians
The MCQ value of a spectrum is the inner product between the
standardized, smoothed chromatogram, and the length-scaled
chromatogram. In literature, a cut-off of 0.85 has been reported to
work well in selecting useful chromatograms, although this is strongly
data-set dependent.
Windig, W., Phalp, J., Payna, A. (1996) "A noise and background reduction method for component detection in liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry",
Analytical Chemistry, 68, 3602 -- 3606.