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gantt: Generate Unit Spans


Generates start and end times of supplied text selections (i.e., text selections are determined by any number of grouping variables).


gantt(text.var, grouping.var, plot = TRUE,
    units = "words", sums = FALSE, plot.colors = NULL,
    box.color = NULL, col.sep = "_")


The text variable
The grouping variables. Also takes a single grouping variable or a list of 1 or more grouping variables.
logical. If TRUE plots the start-end times as a Gantt plot.
The unit of measurement to analyze. One of the strings "character", "syllable", "word", or "sentence".
logical. If TRUE reports and optionally plots the total units used by grouping variable(s).
The colors of the Gantt plot bars. Either a single color or a length equal to the number of grouping variable(s).
A single color of the box around the Gantt plot bars.
The character string to use to separate pasted variables in the merged grouping variable header/name.


  • Returns a data frame of start and end times by grouping variable(s) or optionally returns a list of two: (1) A data frame of the total units used by grouping variable(s) and (2) a data frame of start and end times by grouping variable(s). Optionally plots a Gantt plot of the returned data.


Clark, W. & Gantt, H. (1922) The Gantt chart, a working tool of management. New York, Ronald Press.

See Also

gantt_rep, gantt_wrap, gantt_plot


Run this code
gantt(DATA$state, DATA$person)
gantt(DATA$state, DATA$person, sums = TRUE)
gantt(DATA$state, list(DATA$sex, DATA$adult))
x <- gantt(mraja1$dialogue, mraja1$person) #hard to see without box color
y <- gantt(mraja1$dialogue, mraja1$person, box.col = "black")
z <- gantt(mraja1$dialogue, mraja1$sex)
m <- gantt(mraja1$dialogue, list(mraja1$fam.aff, mraja1$sex),
    plot.colors = NULL)
n <- gantt(mraja1$dialogue, list(mraja1$fam.aff, mraja1$sex),
    plot.colors = "black")
o <- gantt(mraja1$dialogue, list(mraja1$fam.aff, mraja1$sex),
    plot = FALSE)
p <- gantt(mraja1$dialogue, mraja1$person, units = "characters",
    box.color = "black")
d <- gantt(mraja1$dialogue, list(mraja1$fam.aff, mraja1$sex),
    units = "characters")
e <- with(mraja1, gantt(dialogue, list(fam.aff, sex, died),
   units = "characters", sums = TRUE))
f <- gantt(mraja1$dialogue, mraja1$person, units = "syllables",
   box.color = "black", sums = TRUE)
g <- gantt(mraja1$dialogue, list(mraja1$fam.aff, mraja1$sex),
    units = "syllables")

dat <- gantt(mraja1$dialogue, list(mraja1$fam.aff, mraja1$sex),
    units = "sentences", plot.colors = 'black', sums = TRUE,
    col.sep = "_")$gantt.df
gantt_wrap(dat, fam.aff_sex, title = "Gantt Plot")

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