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qdap (version 0.2.5)

question_type: Count of Question Type


Transcript apply question counts.


question_type(text.var, grouping.var = NULL,
    neg.cont = FALSE, percent = TRUE, zero.replace = 0,
    digits = 2)


The text variable
The grouping variables. Default NULL generates one word list for all text. Also takes a single grouping variable or a list of 1 or more grouping variables.
logical. IF TRUE provides separate counts for the negative contraction forms of the interrogative words.
logical. If TRUE output given as percent. If FALSE the output is proportion.
Value to replace 0 values with.
Integer; number of decimal places to round when printing.


  • Returns a list of:
  • rawA dataframe of the questions used in the transcript and their type.
  • countA dataframe of total questions (tot.quest) and counts of question types (initial interrogative word) by grouping variable(s).
  • rnpDataframe of the frequency and proportions of question types by grouping variable.
  • missingThe row numbers of the missing data (excluded from analysis).
  • percentThe value of percent used for plotting purposes.
  • zero.replaceThe value of zero.replace used for plotting purposes.


The algorithm searches for the following interrogative words (and optionally, their negative contraction form as well): 1) whose 2) whom 3) who 4) where 5) what 6) which 7) why 8) when 9) were 10) was 11) does 12) did 13) do 14) is 15) are 16) will 17) how 18) should 19) could 20) would 21) shall 22) may 23) might 24) must 25) can 26) has 27) have 28) had 29) ok 30) right 31) correct 32) implied do/does The interrogative word that is found first (with the exception of "ok", "right" and "correct") in the question determines the sentence type. "ok", "right" and "correct" sentence types are determined if the sentence is a question with no other interrogative words found and "ok", "right" or "correct" is the last word of the sentence. Those interrogative sentences beginning with the word "you" are categorized as implying do or does question type, though the use of do/does is not explicit. Those with undetermined sentence type are labeled unknown.


Run this code
(x <- question_type(DATA$state, DATA$person))
truncdf(x$raw, 15)
plot(x, label = TRUE)
plot(x, label = TRUE, text.color = "red")
question_type(DATA$state, DATA$person, percent = FALSE)
DATA[8, 4] <- "Won't I distrust you?"
question_type(DATA$state, DATA$person)
DATA <- qdap::DATA
with(DATA, question_type(state, list(sex, adult)))

out1 <- with(mraja1spl, question_type(dialogue, person))
## out1
out2 <- with(mraja1spl, question_type(dialogue, list(sex, fam.aff)))
## out2
out3 <- with(mraja1spl, question_type(dialogue, list(sex, fam.aff),
   percent = FALSE))
plot(out3, label = TRUE, lab.digits = 3)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab