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qdap (version 2.2.1)

as.tdm: tm Package Compatibility Tools: Apply to or Convert to/from Term Document Matrix or Document Term Matrix


as.tdm - Create term document matrices from raw text or wfm for use with other text analysis packages. as.TermDocumentMatrix - Create document term matrices from raw text or wfm for use with other text analysis packages. as.dtm - Create document term matrices from raw text or wfm for use with other text analysis packages. as.DocumentTermMatrix - Create document term matrices from raw text or wfm for use with other text analysis packages. as.tdm.Corpus - Corpus method for as.tdm used to convert to a DocumentTermMatrix. as.tdm.default - Default method for as.tdm used to convert to a TermDocumentMatrix. as.tdm.character - character method for as.tdm used to convert to a TermDocumentMatrix. as.dtm.Corpus - Corpus method for as.dtm used to convert to a DocumentTermMatrix. as.dtm.default - Default method for as.dtm used to convert to a DocumentTermMatrix. as.dtm.character - character method for as.dtm used to convert to a DocumentTermMatrix. as.tdm.wfm - wfm method for as.tdm used to convert to a TermDocumentMatrix. as.dtm.wfm - wfm method for as.dtm used to convert to a TermDocumentMatrix. as.data.frame - Convert a tm package Corpus to a qdap data.frame. as.Corpus - Attempts to convert its argument into a tm package Corpus. as.Corpus.sent_split - sent_split Method for as.Corpus. as.Corpus.default - Default method for as.Corpus used to convert vectors (from a data.frame) to a Corpus. apply_as_tm - Apply functions intended to be used on the tm package's TermDocumentMatrix to a wfm object. apply_as_df - Apply a tm Corpus as a qdap dataframe. apply_as_df - Apply functions intended to be used on the qdap package's data.frame + sentSplit to a tm Corpus object. as.Corpus.TermDocumentMatrix - TermDocumentMatrix method for as.Corpus used to convert a Corpus. as.Corpus.DocumentTermMatrix - DocumentTermMatrix method for as.Corpus used to convert a Corpus. as.Corpus.wfm - wfm method for as.Corpus used to convert a Corpus.


as.tdm(text.var, grouping.var = NULL, vowel.check = TRUE, ...)

as.TermDocumentMatrix(text.var, grouping.var = NULL, vowel.check = TRUE,

as.dtm(text.var, grouping.var = NULL, vowel.check = TRUE, ...)

as.DocumentTermMatrix(text.var, grouping.var = NULL, vowel.check = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'Corpus':
as.tdm(text.var, grouping.var = NULL, vowel.check = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'default':
as.tdm(text.var, grouping.var = NULL, vowel.check = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'character':
as.tdm(text.var, grouping.var = NULL,
  vowel.check = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'Corpus':
as.dtm(text.var, grouping.var = NULL, vowel.check = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'default':
as.dtm(text.var, grouping.var = NULL, vowel.check = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'character':
as.dtm(text.var, grouping.var = NULL,
  vowel.check = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'wfm':
as.tdm(text.var, grouping.var = NULL, vowel.check = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'wfm':
as.dtm(text.var, grouping.var = NULL, vowel.check = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'Corpus':
as.data.frame(x, row.names, optional, ..., doc = "docs",
  text = "text", sent.split = FALSE)

as.Corpus(text.var, grouping.var = NULL, demographic.vars, ...)

## S3 method for class 'sent_split':
as.Corpus(text.var, grouping.var = NULL,
  demographic.vars, ...)

## S3 method for class 'default':
as.Corpus(text.var, grouping.var = NULL, demographic.vars,

apply_as_tm(wfm.obj, tmfun, ..., to.qdap = TRUE)

apply_as_df(tm.corpus, qdapfun, ..., stopwords = NULL, min = 1, max = Inf,
  count.apostrophe = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE)

## S3 method for class 'TermDocumentMatrix':
as.Corpus(text.var, ...)

## S3 method for class 'DocumentTermMatrix':
as.Corpus(text.var, ...)

## S3 method for class 'wfm':
as.Corpus(text.var, ...)


The text variable or a wfm object.
The grouping variables. Default NULL generates one word list for all text. Also takes a single grouping variable or a list of 1 or more grouping variables.
logical. Should terms without vowels be remove?
A Corpus object.
NULL or a character vector giving the row names for the data frame. Not used in qdap; for base generic consistency.
logical. If TRUE, setting row names and converting column names is optional. Not used in qdap; for base generic consistency.
Name for Corpus documents.
Name for Corpus text.
logical. If TRUE the text variable sentences will be split into individual rows.
Additional demographic information about the grouping variables. This is a data.frame, list of equal length vectors, or a single vector corresponding to the grouping variable/text variable. This information will be mapped to the DMetaData in the
A wfm object.
A function applied to a TermDocumentMatrix object.
logical. If TRUE should wfm try to coerce the output back to a qdap object.
A Corpus object.
A qdap function that is usually used on text.variable ~ grouping variable.
A character vector of words to remove from the text. qdap has a number of data sets that can be used as stop words including: Top200Words, Top100Words, Top25Words. For the tm package's traditional English stop w
Minimum word length.
Maximum word length.
logical. If TRUE apostrophes are counted as characters.
logical. If TRUE stop words will be removed regardless of case.
Function dependant:
  • as.tdmoras.dtm- Other arguments passed towfm
  • apply_as_tm- Other arguments passed to functions used on atmTermDocumentMatrix
  • as.data.frame- Other


  • as.tdm - Returns a TermDocumentMatrix. as.TermDocumentMatrix - Returns a TermDocumentMatrix. as.dtm - Returns a DocumentTermMatrix. as.DocumentTermMatrix - Returns a TermDocumentMatrix. as.data.frame - Converts a Corpus and returns a qdap oriented data.frame. as.Corpus - Converts a qdap oriented dataframe and returns a Corpus. apply_as_tm - Applies a tm oriented function to a wfm and attempts to simplify back to a wfm or weight format. apply_as_df - Returns the output typical of the applied qdap function.


Produces output that is identical to the tm package's TermDocumentMatrix, DocumentTermMatrix, Corpus or allows convenient interface between the qdap and tm packages.

See Also

DocumentTermMatrix, Corpus, TermDocumentMatrix, as.wfm Filter


Run this code
as.dtm(DATA$state, DATA$person)
as.tdm(DATA$state, DATA$person)

x <- wfm(DATA$state, DATA$person)

pres <- as.tdm(pres_debates2012$dialogue, pres_debates2012$person)
plot(pres, corThreshold = 0.8)
(pres2 <- removeSparseTerms(pres, .3))
plot(pres2, corThreshold = 0.95)

shorts <- all_words(pres_debates2012)[,1][nchar(all_words(
    pres_debates2012)[,1]) < 4]

SW <- c(shorts, qdapDictionaries::contractions[, 1],
    "governor", "president", "mister", "obama","romney")

DocTermMat2 <- with(pres_debates2012, as.dtm(dialogue, list(person, time), stopwords = SW))
DocTermMat2 <- removeSparseTerms(DocTermMat2,0.95)
(DocTermMat2 <- DocTermMat2[rowSums(as.matrix(DocTermMat2))> 0,])

## Correspondence Analysis

dat <- pres_debates2012
dat <- dat[dat$person %in% qcv(ROMNEY, OBAMA), ]

speech <- stemmer(dat$dialogue)
mytable1 <- with(dat, as.tdm(speech, list(person, time), stopwords = Top25Words))

fit <- ca(as.matrix(mytable1))
plot3d.ca(fit, labels=1)

mytable2 <- with(dat, as.tdm(speech, list(person, time), stopwords = Top200Words))

fit2 <- ca(as.matrix(mytable2))
plot3d.ca(fit2, labels=1)

## Topic Models
# Example 1 #
library(topicmodels); library(tm)

# Generate stop words based on short words, frequent words and contractions
shorts <- all_words(pres_debates2012)[,1][nchar(all_words(
    pres_debates2012)[,1]) < 4]

SW <- c(shorts, qdapDictionaries::contractions[, 1],
    "governor", "president", "mister", "obama","romney")

DocTermMat <- with(pres_debates2012, as.dtm(dialogue, person, stopwords = SW))
DocTermMat <- removeSparseTerms(DocTermMat,0.999)
DocTermMat <- DocTermMat[rowSums(as.matrix(DocTermMat))> 0,]

lda.model <- LDA(DocTermMat, 5)

(topics <- posterior(lda.model, DocTermMat)$topics)

# Plot the Topics Per Person
topic.dat <- matrix2df(topics, "Person")
colnames(topic.dat)[-1] <- paste2(t(terms(lda.model,20)), sep=", ")

mtopic <- melt(topic.dat, variable="Topic", value.name="Proportion")
ggplot(mtopic, aes(weight=Proportion, x=Topic, fill=Topic)) +
    geom_bar() +
    coord_flip() +
    facet_grid(Person~.) +

# Example 2 #
DocTermMat2 <- with(pres_debates2012, as.dtm(dialogue, list(person, time), stopwords = SW))
DocTermMat2 <- removeSparseTerms(DocTermMat2,0.95)
DocTermMat2 <- DocTermMat2[rowSums(as.matrix(DocTermMat2))> 0,]

lda.model2 <- LDA(DocTermMat2, 6)

(topics2 <- posterior(lda.model2, DocTermMat2)$topics)
qheat(topics2, high="blue", low="yellow", by.col=FALSE)

# Example 3 #
lda.model3 <- LDA(DocTermMat2, 10)

(topics3 <- posterior(lda.model3, DocTermMat2)$topics)
terms(lda.model3, 20)
qheat(topics3, high="blue", low="yellow", by.col=FALSE)

# Plot the Topics Per Person
topic.dat3 <- matrix2df(topics3, "Person&Time")
colnames(topic.dat3)[-1] <- paste2(t(terms(lda.model3, 10)), sep=", ")
topic.dat3 <- colsplit2df(topic.dat3)

mtopic3 <- melt(topic.dat3, variable="Topic", value.name="Proportion")
(p1 <- ggplot(mtopic3, aes(weight=Proportion, x=Topic, fill=Topic)) +
    geom_bar() +
    coord_flip() +
    facet_grid(Person~Time) +
    guides(fill=FALSE) +
    scale_y_continuous(labels = percent) +
    theme(plot.margin = unit(c(1, 0, 0.5, .5), "lines")) +

mtopic3.b <- mtopic3
mtopic3.b[, "Topic"] <- factor(as.numeric(mtopic3.b[, "Topic"]), levels = 1:10)
mtopic3.b[, "Time"] <- factor(gsub("time ", "", mtopic3.b[, "Time"]))

p2 <- ggplot(mtopic3.b, aes(x=Time, y=Topic, fill=Proportion)) +
    geom_tile(color = "white") +
    scale_fill_gradient(low = "grey70", high = "red") +
    facet_grid(Person~Time, scales = "free") +
    theme(axis.title.y = element_blank(),
        axis.text.x= element_text(colour="white"),
        axis.ticks.x= element_line(colour="white"),
        axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
        axis.text.y= element_blank(),
        plot.margin = unit(c(1, -.5, .5, -.9), "lines")

grid.arrange(p1, p2, nrow=1, widths = c(.85, .15))

## tm Matrices to wfm

## A Term Document Matrix Conversion
(tm_in <- TermDocumentMatrix(crude, control = list(stopwords = TRUE)))
converted <- as.wfm(tm_in)

## A Document Term Matrix Conversion
(dtm_in <- DocumentTermMatrix(crude, control = list(stopwords = TRUE)))

## `apply_as_tm` Examples
## Create a wfm
a <- with(DATA, wfm(state, list(sex, adult)))

## Apply functions meant for a tm TermDocumentMatrix
out <- apply_as_tm(a, tm:::removeSparseTerms, sparse=0.6)

apply_as_tm(a, tm:::findAssocs, "computer", .8)
apply_as_tm(a, tm:::findFreqTerms, 2, 3)
apply_as_tm(a, tm:::Zipf_plot)
apply_as_tm(a, tm:::Heaps_plot)
apply_as_tm(a, tm:::plot.TermDocumentMatrix, corThreshold = 0.4)

apply_as_tm(a, tm:::weightBin)
apply_as_tm(a, tm:::weightBin, to.qdap = FALSE)
apply_as_tm(a, tm:::weightSMART)
apply_as_tm(a, tm:::weightTfIdf)

## Convert tm Corpus to Dataframe
## A tm Corpus
reut21578 <- system.file("texts", "crude", package = "tm")
reuters <- Corpus(DirSource(reut21578),
    readerControl = list(reader = readReut21578XML))

## Convert to dataframe
corp_df <- as.data.frame(reuters)

z <- as.Corpus(DATA$state, DATA$person,
       demographic=DATA[, qcv(sex, adult, code)])

## Apply a qdap function
out <- formality(corp_df$text, corp_df$docs)

## Convert a qdap dataframe to tm package Corpus
(x <- with(DATA2, as.Corpus(state, list(person, class, day))))

(y <- with(pres_debates2012, as.Corpus(dialogue, list(person, time))))

## Add demographic info to DMetaData of Corpus
z <- as.Corpus(DATA$state, DATA$person,
    demographic=DATA[, qcv(sex, adult, code)])

lview(as.Corpus(DATA$state, DATA$person,

lview(as.Corpus(DATA$state, DATA$person,
    demographic=list(DATA$sex, DATA$adult)))

## Apply qdap functions meant for dataframes from sentSplit to tm Corpus
reut21578 <- system.file("texts", "crude", package = "tm")
reuters <- Corpus(DirSource(reut21578),
    readerControl = list(reader = readReut21578XML))

matches <- list(
    oil = qcv(oil, crude),
    money = c("economic", "money")

apply_as_df(reuters, word_stats)
apply_as_df(reuters, formality)
apply_as_df(reuters, word_list)
apply_as_df(reuters, polarity)
apply_as_df(reuters, Dissimilarity)
apply_as_df(reuters, diversity)
apply_as_df(reuters, pos_by)
apply_as_df(reuters, flesch_kincaid)
apply_as_df(reuters, trans_venn)
apply_as_df(reuters, gantt_plot)
apply_as_df(reuters, rank_freq_mplot)
apply_as_df(reuters, character_table)

(termco_out <- apply_as_df(reuters, termco, match.list = matches))
plot(termco_out, values = TRUE, high="red")

(wordcor_out <- apply_as_df(reuters, word_cor, word = unlist(matches)))

(f_terms <- apply_as_df(reuters, freq_terms, at.least = 3))

apply_as_df(reuters, trans_cloud)
## To use "all" rather than "docs" as "grouping.var"...
apply_as_df(reuters, trans_cloud, grouping.var=NULL,
    target.words=matches, cloud.colors = c("red", "blue", "grey75"))

finds <- apply_as_df(reuters, freq_terms, at.least = 5,
    top = 5, stopwords = Top100Words)
apply_as_df(reuters, dispersion_plot, match.terms = finds[, 1],
    total.color = NULL)

## Filter for Term Document Matrix/Document Term Matrix

(tdm_in <- TermDocumentMatrix(crude, control = list(stopwords = TRUE)))
Filter(tdm_in, 5)

(dtm_in <- DocumentTermMatrix(crude, control = list(stopwords = TRUE)))
Filter(dtm_in, 5)

## Filter particular words based on max/min values
Filter(dtm_in, 5, 7)
Filter(dtm_in, 4, 4)
Filter(tdm_in, 3, 4)
Filter(tdm_in, 3, 4, stopwords = Top200Words)

## SPECIAL REMOVAL OF TERMS (more flexible consideration of words than wfm)
dat <- data.frame(
    person = paste0("person_", 1:5),
    tweets = c("test one two", "two apples","hashtag #apple",
        "#apple #tree", "http://microsoft.com")

## remove specialty items
dat[[2]] <- rm_default(dat[[2]], pattern=pastex("@rm_url", "#apple\\b"))

myCorp <- tm::tm_map(myCorp, tm::removeWords, stopwords)
myCorp %>% as.dtm() %>% tm::inspect()

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab