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qdap (version 2.2.1)

check_spelling_interactive.factor: Check Spelling


View factor check_spelling_interactive.


## S3 method for class 'factor':
check_spelling_interactive(text.var, range = 2,
  assume.first.correct = TRUE, click = TRUE, method = "jw",
  dictionary = qdapDictionaries::GradyAugmented, parallel = TRUE,
  cores = parallel::detectCores()/2, n.suggests = 8, ...)


A factor object, specifically a text vector of factor strings. Note that this method is provided for factors for convenience, ideally the user should supply a character vector rather than factor.
An integer of length 1 to use as a range for number of characters, beyond the number of characters of a word not found in the dictionary, to initially limit dictionary size and thus time to find a suggested replacement term.
logical. If TRUE it is assumed that the first letter of the misspelled word is correct. This reduces the dictionary size, thus speeding up computation.
logical. If TRUE the interface is a point and click GUI. If FALSE the interface is command line driven.
Method for distance calculation. The default is "jaccard". It is assumed that smaller measures indicate closer distance. Measures that do not adhere to this assumption will result in incorrect output (see
A character vector of terms to search for. To reduce overhead it is expected that this dictionary is lower case, unique terms.
logical. If TRUE attempts to run the function on multiple cores. Note that this may not mean a speed boost if you have one core or if the data set is smaller as the cluster takes time to create.
The number of cores to use if parallel = TRUE. Default is half the number of available cores.
The number of terms to suggest. In the case of a tie (multiple terms have the same distance from misspelled word) all will be provided. Dictionary reduction may result in less than n.suggests suggested terms.


factor Method for check_spelling_interactive