with(DATA, cm_df.transcript(state, person))
with(DATA, cm_df.transcript(state, list(sex, adult)))
#use it with nested variables just to keep track of demographic info
with(DATA, cm_df.transcript(state, list(person, sex, adult)))
#use double tilde "~~" to keep word group as one word
DATA$state <- mgsub("be certain", "be~~certain", DATA$state, fixed = TRUE)
with(DATA, cm_df.transcript(state, person))
DATA <- qdap::DATA
## with(mraja1spl, cm_df.transcript(dialogue, list(person)))
## with(mraja1spl, cm_df.transcript(dialogue, list(sex, fam.aff, died)))
## with(mraja1spl, cm_df.transcript(dialogue, list(person), file="foo.doc"))
## delete("foo.doc") #delete the file just created
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab