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qdap (version 2.4.3)

new_project: Project Template


Generate a project template to increase efficiency.


new_project(project = "new", path = getwd(), open = is.global(2), ...)



A character vector of the project name.


The path to where the project should be created. Default is the current working directory.


logical. If TRUE the project will be opened in RStudio. The default is to test if new_project is being used in the global environment, if it is then the project directory will be opened.



Creates a project template.


The project template includes these main directories and scripts:

  • CODEBOOK - A directory to store coding conventions or demographics data:

    • KEY.csv - A blank template for demographic information

  • CORRESPONDENCE - A directory to store correspondence and agreements with the client:

    • CONTACT_INFO.txt - A text file to put research team members' contact information

  • DATA - A directory to store data:

    • CLEANED_TRANSCRIPTS - A directory to store the cleaned transcripts (If the transcripts are already cleaned you may choose to not utilize the RAW_TRANSCRIPTS directory)

    • CM_DATA - A directory to export/import scripts for cm_xxx family of functions

    • DATA_FOR_REVIEW - A directory to put data that may need to be altered or needs to be inspected more closely

    • RAW_DATA - A directory to store non-transcript data related to the project:

      • ANALYTIC_MEMOS - A directory to put audio files (or shortcuts)

      • AUDIO - A directory to put audio files (or shortcuts)

      • FIELD_NOTES - A directory to put audio files (or shortcuts)

      • PAPER_ARTIFACTS - A directory to put paper artifacts

      • PHOTOGRAPHS - A directory to put photographs

      • VIDEO - A directory to put video files (or shortcuts)

    • TRANSCRIPTS - A directory to put transcription data:

      • CLEANED_TRANSCRIPTS - A directory to store the cleaned transcripts (If the transcripts are already cleaned you may choose to not utilize the RAW_TRANSCRIPTS directory)

      • RAW_TRANSCRIPTS - A directory to store the raw transcripts

  • DOCUMENTATION - A directory to store documents related to the project

  • PLOTS - A directory to store plots

  • REPORTS - A directory with report and presentation related tools.

  • SCRIPTS - A directory to store scripts; already contains the following:

    • 01_clean_data.R - initial cleaning of raw transcripts

    • 02_analysis_I.R - initial analysis

    • 03_plots.R - plotting script

  • TABLES - A directory to export tables to

  • WORD_LISTS - A directory to store word lists that can be sourced and supplied to functions

  • extra_functions.R - A script to store user made functions related to the project

    • email - A function to view, and optionally copy to the clipboard, emails for the client/lead researcher, analyst and/or other project members (information taking from ~/CORRESPONDENCE/CONTACT_INFO.txt file)

    • todo - A function to view, and optionally copy to the clipboard, non-completed tasks from the TO_DO.txt file

  • LOG - A text file documenting project changes/needs etc.

  • PROJECT_WORKFLOW_GUIDE.pdf - A pdf explaining the structure of the project template

  • xxx.Rproj - A project file used by RRtudio; clicking this will open the project in RStudio.

  • TO_DO - A text file documenting project tasks

The template comes with a .Rproj file. This makes operating in RStudio very easy. The file can be kept on the desktop or a git application such as github, bitbucket or dropbox, depending on what the client/research team is comfortable utilizing.