with(DATA, chunker(state, n.chunks = 10))
with(DATA, chunker(state, n.words = 10))
with(DATA, chunker(state, n.chunks = 10, as.string=FALSE))
with(DATA, chunker(state, n.chunks = 10, rm.unequal=TRUE))
with(DATA, chunker(state, person, n.chunks = 10))
with(DATA, chunker(state, list(sex, adult), n.words = 10))
with(DATA, chunker(state, person, n.words = 10, rm.unequal=TRUE))
## Bigger data
with(hamlet, chunker(dialogue, person, n.chunks = 10))
with(hamlet, chunker(dialogue, person, n.words = 300))
if (FALSE) {
## with polarity hedonmetrics
dat <- with(pres_debates2012[pres_debates2012$person %in% qcv(OBAMA, ROMNEY), ],
chunker(dialogue, list(person, time), n.words = 300))
dat2 <- colsplit2df(list2df(dat, "dialogue", "person&time")[, 2:1])
dat3 <- split(dat2[, -2], dat2$time)
ltruncdf(dat3, 10, 50)
poldat <- lapply(dat3, function(x) with(x, polarity(dialogue, person, constrain = TRUE)))
m <- lapply(poldat, function(x) plot(cumulative(x)))
m <- Map(function(w, x, y, z) {
w + ggtitle(x) + xlab(y) + ylab(z)
paste("Debate", 1:3),
list(NULL, NULL, "Duration (300 Word Segment)"),
list(NULL, "Cumulative Average Polarity", NULL)
do.call(grid.arrange, m)
## By person
## By person
poldat2 <- Map(function(x, x2){
scores <- with(counts(x), split(polarity, person))
setNames(lapply(scores, function(y) {
y <- list(cumulative_average_polarity = y)
attributes(y)[["constrained"]] <- TRUE
qdap:::plot.cumulative_polarity(y) + xlab(NULL) + ylab(x2)
}), names(scores))
}, poldat, paste("Debate", 1:3))
poldat2 <- lapply(poldat2, function(x) {
x[[2]] <- x[[2]] + ylab(NULL)
poldat2[[1]] <- Map(function(x, y) {
x + ggtitle(y)
poldat2[[1]], qcv(Obama, Romney)
do.call(grid.arrange, unlist(poldat2, recursive=FALSE))
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab