time <- rm_(pattern="@time_12_hours")
time("I will go at 12:35 pm")
x <- "v6.0.156 for Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista
Server version 1.1.20
Client Manager version 1.1.24"
rm_default(x, pattern = "@version", extract=TRUE)
rm_default(x, pattern = "@version2", extract=TRUE)
x <- "this is 1000000 big 4356. And little 123 number."
rm_default(x, pattern="@thousands_separator", replacement="\\1,")
rm_default(x, pattern="@thousands_separator", replacement="\\1.")
rm_default("I was,but it costs 10,000.", pattern="@white_after_comma",
replacement=", ")
x <- "I like; the donuts; a lot"
strsplit(x, ";")
strsplit(x, S(grab("split_keep_delim"), ";"), perl=TRUE)
stringi::stri_split_regex(x, S(grab("split_keep_delim"), ";"))
stringi::stri_split_regex("I like; the donuts; a lot:cool",
S(grab("split_keep_delim"), ";|:"))
## Grab words around a point
x <- c(
"the magic word is e",
"the dog is red and they are blue",
"I am new but she is not new",
"hello world",
"why is it so cold? Perhaps it is Winter.",
"It is not true the 7 is 8.",
"Is that my drink?"
rm_default(x, pattern = S("@around_", 1, "is", 1), extract=TRUE)
rm_default(x, pattern = S("@around_", 2, "is", 2), extract=TRUE)
rm_default(x, pattern = S("@around_", 1, "is|are|am", 1), extract=TRUE)
rm_default(x, pattern = S("@around_", 1, "is not|is|are|am", 1), extract=TRUE)
rm_default(x, pattern = S("@around_", 1,
"is not|[Ii]s|[Aa]re|[Aa]m", 1), extract=TRUE)
x <- c(
"hello world",
"45 & 5 makes 50",
"x and y",
"abc and def",
"her him foo & bar for Jack and Jill then"
around_and <- rm_(pattern = S("@around_", 1, "and|\\&", 1), extract=TRUE)
## Split runs into chunks
x <- "1111100000222000333300011110000111000"
strsplit(x, grab("@run_split"), per = TRUE)
if (FALSE) {
out <- setNames(lapply(c("@after_a", "@after_the"), function(x) {
o <- rm_default(stringi:::stri_trans_tolower(pres_debates2012$dialogue),
pattern = x, extract=TRUE)
m <- qdapTools::matrix2df(data.frame(freq=sort(table(unlist(o)), TRUE)), "word")
m[m$freq> 7, ]
}), c("a", "the"))
dat <- setNames(Reduce(function(x, y) {
merge(x, y, by = "word", all = TRUE)}, out), c("Word", "A", "THE"))
dat <- reshape2::melt(dat, id="Word", variable.name="Article", value.name="freq")
dat <- dat[order(dat$freq, dat$Word), ]
ord <- aggregate(freq ~ Word, dat, sum)
dat$word <- factor(dat$Word, levels=ord[order(ord[[2]]), 1])
ggplot(dat, aes(x=freq, y=Word)) + geom_point()+ facet_grid(~Article)
## remove/extract pages numbers
x <- c("I read p. 36 and then pp. 45-49", "it's on pp. 23-24;28")
rm_pages <- rm_(pattern="@pages", extract=TRUE)
rm_default(x, pattern = "@pages")
rm_default(x, pattern = "@pages", extract=TRUE)
rm_default(x, pattern = "@pages2", extract=TRUE)
## Validate pages
page_val <- validate("@pages2", FALSE)
page_val(c(66, "78-82", "hello world", TRUE, "44-45; 56"))
## Split on last occurrence
x <- c(
strsplit(x, S("@last_occurrence", "\\."), perl=TRUE)
strsplit(x, S("@last_occurrence", "@"), perl=TRUE)
## True Word Boundaries
x <- "this is _not a word666 and this is not a word too."
## Standard regex word boundary
rm_default(x, pattern=bind("not a word"))
## Alphabetic only word boundaries
rm_default(x, pattern=S("@word_boundary", "not a word"))
## Remove all but first occurrence of something
x <- c(
"a - de=4fgh --= i5jkl",
rm_default(x, pattern = S("@except_first", "-"))
rm_default(x, pattern = S("@except_first", "="))
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab