Q studies are conducted by asking participants (or a P set) to rank order a sample (or Q Set) of items, drawn from a universe (or concourse) of items, based on some sampling strategy.
A concourse is, simply put, the sum of all things people could say about a subject matter.
It is helpful to keep the entire concourse readily available, so as to draw samples from it.
For some studies, it is necessary to have the complete items available in several languages.
This function simply imports all full item wordings and assigns a handle for the item, based on the filename (see qmethod-package).
These filenames should be short and meaningful to the researcher.
Individual items as *.TEX files should include minimal markup, and no trailing whitespace or empty newlines.
If you do not need any additional formatting, you can just save plain text files (*.TXT) with the extension *.TEX.
There is no need to know LaTeX.
Returns error if items are not available in all translations.
Defaults to monolingual variant.
If you are not familiar with the terminology of Q item handle, ID and wording or the file structure expected for import functions, please read the respective sections in the documentation for qmethod-package first or consider the package website.