Learn R Programming

qreport (version 1.0-1)

setqreportOption: Set qreport Options


Set qreport options, assigning certain defaults


setqreportOption(..., study = " ")


no returned value, used to set options()



a series of options for which non-default values are desired:

  • tx.pch: symbols corresponding to treatments

  • tx.col: colors corresponding to treatments

  • tx.linecol: colors for lines in line plots

  • nontx.col: colors for categories other than treatments

  • tx.lty: line types corresponding to treatments

  • tx.lwd: line widths corresponding to treatments

  • tx.var: character string name of treatment variable

  • er.col: 2-vector with names "enrolled","randomized" containing colors to use for enrolled and randomized in needle displays

  • alpha.f: single numeric specifying alpha adjustment to be applied to all colors. Default is 1 (no adjustment)

  • denom: named vector with overall sample sizes See https://github.com/plotly/plotly.py/blob/master/plotly/colors.py#L83-L87/


an optional study mnemonic (character string) needed when multiple studies are being analyzed (or when one study is divided into distinct strata)


Run this code
setqreportOption(tx.var='treatment', denom=c(enrolled=1000, randomized=800, a=398, b=402))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab