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qrmtools (version 0.0-15)

get_data: Tools for Getting and Working with Data


Download (and possibly) merge data from freely available databases.


get_data(x, from = NULL, to = NULL,
         src = c("yahoo", "quandl", "oanda", "FRED", "google"),
         FUN = NULL, verbose = TRUE, warn = TRUE, ...)


xts object containing the data with column name(s) adjusted to be the ticker symbol (in case lengths match; otherwise the column names are not adjusted); NA if data is not available.



vector of ticker symbols (e.g. "^GSPC" if src = "yahoo" or "EUR/USD" if src = "oanda").


start date as a Date object or character string (in international date format "yyyy-mm-dd"); if NULL, the earliest date with available data is picked.


end date as a Date object or character string (in international date format "yyyy-mm-dd"); if NULL, the last date with available data is picked.


character string specifying the data source (e.g. "yahoo" for stocks or "oanda" for FX data); see getSymbols() and Quandl().


function to be applied to the data before being returned. This can be

the identity

if the data could not be retrieved (and is thus replaced by NA);

the given FUN

if FUN has been provided;

a useful default

if FUN = NULL; the default uses the adjusted close price Ad() if src = "yahoo", the close price Cl() if src = "google" and the identity otherwise.


logical indicating whether progress monitoring should be done.


logical indicating whether a warning is given showing the error message when fetching x fails.


additional arguments passed to the underlying getSymbols() from quantmod or Quandl() from Quandl (if src = "quandl").


Marius Hofert


FUN is typically one of quantmod's Op, Hi, Lo, Cl, Vo, Ad or one of the combined functions OpCl, ClCl, HiCl, LoCl, LoHi, OpHi, OpLo, OpOp.


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
    ## Note: This needs a working internet connection
    ## Get stock and volatility data (for all available trading days)
    dat <- get_data(c("^GSPC", "^VIX")) # note: this needs a working internet connection
    ## Plot them (Alternative: plot.xts() from xtsExtra)
    plot.zoo(dat, screens = 1, main = "", xlab = "Trading day", ylab = "Value")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab