### 1 Reproducing selected examples of McNeil et al. (2015; Table 8.1) #########
## Setup
alpha <- 0.95
d <- 8
theta <- 3
qF <- rep(list(function(p) qPar(p, shape = theta)), d)
## Worst VaR
N <- 5e4
system.time(RA.worst.VaR <- RA(alpha, qF = qF, N = N, method = "worst.VaR"))
RA.worst.VaR$bounds[["up"]], tol = 1e-4))
## Best VaR
N <- 5e4
system.time(RA.best.VaR <- RA(alpha, qF = qF, N = N, method = "best.VaR"))
RA.best.VaR$bounds[["up"]], tol = 1e-4))
## Best ES
N <- 5e4 # actually, we need a (much larger) N here (but that's time consuming)
system.time(RA.best.ES <- RA(alpha, qF = qF, N = N, method = "best.ES"))
RA.best.ES$bounds[["up"]], tol = 5e-1))
### 2 More Pareto examples (d = 2, d = 8; hom./inhom. case; explicit/RA/ARA) ###
alpha <- 0.99 # VaR confidence level
th <- 2 # Pareto parameter theta
qF <- function(p, theta = th) qPar(p, shape = theta) # Pareto quantile function
pF <- function(q, theta = th) pPar(q, shape = theta) # Pareto distribution function
### 2.1 The case d = 2 #########################################################
d <- 2 # dimension
## ``Analytical''
VaRbounds <- VaR_bounds_hom(alpha, d = d, qF = qF) # (best VaR, worst VaR)
## Adaptive Rearrangement Algorithm (ARA)
set.seed(271) # set seed (for reproducibility)
ARAbest <- ARA(alpha, qF = rep(list(qF), d), method = "best.VaR")
ARAworst <- ARA(alpha, qF = rep(list(qF), d))
## Rearrangement Algorithm (RA) with N as in ARA()
RAbest <- RA(alpha, qF = rep(list(qF), d), N = ARAbest$N.used, method = "best.VaR")
RAworst <- RA(alpha, qF = rep(list(qF), d), N = ARAworst$N.used)
## Compare
stopifnot(all.equal(c(ARAbest$bounds[1], ARAbest$bounds[2],
RAbest$bounds[1], RAbest$bounds[2]),
rep(VaRbounds[1], 4), tolerance = 0.004, check.names = FALSE))
stopifnot(all.equal(c(ARAworst$bounds[1], ARAworst$bounds[2],
RAworst$bounds[1], RAworst$bounds[2]),
rep(VaRbounds[2], 4), tolerance = 0.003, check.names = FALSE))
### 2.2 The case d = 8 #########################################################
d <- 8 # dimension
## ``Analytical''
I <- crude_VaR_bounds(alpha, qF = qF, d = d) # crude bound
VaR.W <- VaR_bounds_hom(alpha, d = d, method = "Wang", qF = qF)
VaR.W.Par <- VaR_bounds_hom(alpha, d = d, method = "Wang.Par", shape = th)
VaR.dual <- VaR_bounds_hom(alpha, d = d, method = "dual", interval = I, pF = pF)
## Adaptive Rearrangement Algorithm (ARA) (with different relative tolerances)
set.seed(271) # set seed (for reproducibility)
ARAbest <- ARA(alpha, qF = rep(list(qF), d), reltol = c(0.001, 0.01), method = "best.VaR")
ARAworst <- ARA(alpha, qF = rep(list(qF), d), reltol = c(0.001, 0.01))
## Rearrangement Algorithm (RA) with N as in ARA and abstol (roughly) chosen as in ARA
RAbest <- RA(alpha, qF = rep(list(qF), d), N = ARAbest$N.used,
abstol = mean(tail(abs(diff(ARAbest$opt.row.sums$low)), n = 1),
tail(abs(diff(ARAbest$opt.row.sums$up)), n = 1)),
method = "best.VaR")
RAworst <- RA(alpha, qF = rep(list(qF), d), N = ARAworst$N.used,
abstol = mean(tail(abs(diff(ARAworst$opt.row.sums$low)), n = 1),
tail(abs(diff(ARAworst$opt.row.sums$up)), n = 1)))
## Compare
stopifnot(all.equal(c(VaR.W[1], ARAbest$bounds, RAbest$bounds),
rep(VaR.W.Par[1],5), tolerance = 0.004, check.names = FALSE))
stopifnot(all.equal(c(VaR.W[2], VaR.dual[2], ARAworst$bounds, RAworst$bounds),
rep(VaR.W.Par[2],6), tolerance = 0.003, check.names = FALSE))
## Using (some of) the additional results computed by (A)RA()
xlim <- c(1, max(sapply(RAworst$opt.row.sums, length)))
ylim <- range(RAworst$opt.row.sums)
plot(RAworst$opt.row.sums[[2]], type = "l", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
xlab = "Number or rearranged columns",
ylab = paste0("Minimal row sum per rearranged column"),
main = substitute("Worst VaR minimal row sums ("*alpha==a.*","~d==d.*" and Par("*
th.*"))", list(a. = alpha, d. = d, th. = th)))
lines(1:length(RAworst$opt.row.sums[[1]]), RAworst$opt.row.sums[[1]], col = "royalblue3")
legend("bottomright", bty = "n", lty = rep(1,2),
col = c("black", "royalblue3"), legend = c("upper bound", "lower bound"))
## => One should use ARA() instead of RA()
### 3 "Reproducing" examples from Embrechts et al. (2013) ######################
### 3.1 "Reproducing" Table 1 (but seed and eps are unknown) ###################
## Left-hand side of Table 1
N <- 50
d <- 3
qPar <- rep(list(qF), d)
p <- alpha + (1-alpha)*(0:(N-1))/N # for 'worst' (= largest) VaR
X <- sapply(qPar, function(qF) qF(p))
cbind(X, rowSums(X))
## Right-hand side of Table 1
res <- RA(alpha, qF = qPar, N = N)
row.sum <- rowSums(res$X.rearranged$low)
cbind(res$X.rearranged$low, row.sum)[order(row.sum),]
### 3.2 "Reproducing" Table 3 for alpha = 0.99 #################################
## Note: The seed for obtaining the exact results as in Table 3 is unknown
N <- 2e4 # we use a smaller N here to save run time
eps <- 0.1 # absolute tolerance
xi <- c(1.19, 1.17, 1.01, 1.39, 1.23, 1.22, 0.85, 0.98)
beta <- c(774, 254, 233, 412, 107, 243, 314, 124)
qF.lst <- lapply(1:8, function(j){ function(p) qGPD(p, shape = xi[j], scale = beta[j])})
res.best <- RA(0.99, qF = qF.lst, N = N, abstol = eps, method = "best.VaR")
print(format(res.best$bounds, scientific = TRUE), quote = FALSE) # close to first value of 1st row
res.worst <- RA(0.99, qF = qF.lst, N = N, abstol = eps)
print(format(res.worst$bounds, scientific = TRUE), quote = FALSE) # close to last value of 1st row
### 4 Further checks ###########################################################
## Calling the workhorses directly
ra <- rearrange(X)
bra <- block_rearrange(X)
stopifnot(ra$converged, bra$converged,
all.equal(ra$bound, bra$bound, tolerance = 6e-3))
## Checking ABRA against ARA
ara <- ARA (alpha, qF = qPar)
abra <- ABRA(alpha, qF = qPar)
stopifnot(ara$converged, abra$converged,
all.equal(ara$bound[["low"]], abra$bound[["low"]], tolerance = 2e-3),
all.equal(ara$bound[["up"]], abra$bound[["up"]], tolerance = 6e-3))
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