### 1 Univariate measures ######################################################
## Generate some losses and (non-parametrically) estimate VaR_alpha and ES_alpha
L <- rlnorm(1000, meanlog = -1, sdlog = 2) # L ~ LN(mu, sig^2)
## Note: - meanlog = mean(log(L)) = mu, sdlog = sd(log(L)) = sig
## - E(L) = exp(mu + (sig^2)/2), var(L) = (exp(sig^2)-1)*exp(2*mu + sig^2)
## To obtain a sample with E(L) = a and var(L) = b, use:
## mu = log(a)-log(1+b/a^2)/2 and sig = sqrt(log(1+b/a^2))
VaR_np(L, level = 0.99)
ES_np(L, level = 0.99)
## Example 2.16 in McNeil, Frey, Embrechts (2015)
V <- 10000 # value of the portfolio today
sig <- 0.2/sqrt(250) # daily volatility (annualized volatility of 20%)
nu <- 4 # degrees of freedom for the t distribution
alpha <- seq(0.001, 0.999, length.out = 256) # confidence levels
VaRnorm <- VaR_t(alpha, scale = V*sig, df = Inf)
VaRt4 <- VaR_t(alpha, scale = V*sig*sqrt((nu-2)/nu), df = nu)
ESnorm <- ES_t(alpha, scale = V*sig, df = Inf)
ESt4 <- ES_t(alpha, scale = V*sig*sqrt((nu-2)/nu), df = nu)
ran <- range(VaRnorm, VaRt4, ESnorm, ESt4)
plot(alpha, VaRnorm, type = "l", ylim = ran, xlab = expression(alpha), ylab = "")
lines(alpha, VaRt4, col = "royalblue3")
lines(alpha, ESnorm, col = "darkorange2")
lines(alpha, ESt4, col = "maroon3")
legend("bottomright", bty = "n", lty = rep(1,4), col = c("black",
"royalblue3", "darkorange3", "maroon3"),
legend = c(expression(VaR[alpha]~~"for normal model"),
expression(VaR[alpha]~~"for "*t[4]*" model"),
expression(ES[alpha]~~"for normal model"),
expression(ES[alpha]~~"for "*t[4]*" model")))
### 2 Multivariate measures ####################################################
## Setup
n <- 1e4 # MC sample size
nu <- 3 # degrees of freedom
th <- iTau(tCopula(df = nu), tau = 0.5) # correlation parameter
cop <- tCopula(param = th, df = nu) # t copula
set.seed(271) # for reproducibility
U <- rCopula(n, cop = cop) # copula sample
theta <- c(2.5, 4) # marginal Pareto parameters
stopifnot(theta > 2) # need finite 2nd moments
X <- sapply(1:2, function(j) qPar(U[,j], shape = theta[j])) # generate X
N <- 17 # number of angles (rather small here because of run time)
phi <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = N) # angles
r <- 0.98 # radius
alpha <- r * cbind(alpha1 = cos(phi), alpha2 = sin(phi)) # vector of confidence levels
## Compute geometric value-at-risk
system.time(res <- gVaR(X, level = alpha))
gvar <- t(sapply(seq_len(nrow(alpha)), function(i) {
x <- res[[i]]
if(x[["convergence"]] != 0) # 0 = 'converged'
warning("No convergence for alpha = (", alpha[i,1], ", ", alpha[i,2],
") (row ", i, ")")
})) # (N, 2)-matrix
## Compute geometric expectiles
system.time(res <- gEX(X, level = alpha))
gex <- t(sapply(seq_len(nrow(alpha)), function(i) {
x <- res[[i]]
if(x[["convergence"]] != 0) # 0 = 'converged'
warning("No convergence for alpha = (", alpha[i,1], ", ", alpha[i,2],
") (row ", i, ")")
})) # (N, 2)-matrix
## Plot geometric VaR and geometric expectiles
plot(gvar, type = "b", xlab = "Component 1 of geometric VaRs and expectiles",
ylab = "Component 2 of geometric VaRs and expectiles",
main = "Multivariate geometric VaRs and expectiles")
lines(gex, type = "b", col = "royalblue3")
legend("bottomleft", lty = 1, bty = "n", col = c("black", "royalblue3"),
legend = c("geom. VaR", "geom. expectile"))
lab <- substitute("MC sample size n ="~n.*","~t[nu.]~"copula with Par("*th1*
") and Par("*th2*") margins",
list(n. = n, nu. = nu, th1 = theta[1], th2 = theta[2]))
mtext(lab, side = 4, line = 1, adj = 0)
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