A data frame containing the California Child Q-set (ccq). In this dataset, column names ending in "_c" refer to criteria sorts' scores, while column names ending in "_s" refer to scales' scores.
CCQ dataset with 100 rows (items) and 6 columns.
Item number from 1 to 100.
ccq. California Child Q-set (Block & Block, 1969).
Social competence criterion scores (retrieved from Waters et al., 1985).
Self-esteem criterion scores (retrieved from Waters et al., 1985).
Self-esteem criterion scores (retrieved from Waters et al., 1985).
Ego-resiliency criterion scores (Block & Block, 1980; retrieved from Brian Vaughn, personal communication).
Ego-control criterion scores (Block & Block, 1980; retrieved from Brian Vaughn, personal communication).
Emotion regulation scale (retrieved from Shields and Cicchetti, 1997)
Items to be inverted in emotion regulation scale.
Item description (retrieved from Waters et al., 1985).
Block, J. H., & Block, J. (1969). The California Child Q-Set. Berkeley, CA: Institute of Human Development, University of California.
Block, J. H., & Block, J. (1980). The role of ego-control and ego-resiliency in the organization of behavior. In W. A. Collins (Ed.), Minnesota symposium on child psychology: Vol. 13. Development of cognition affect, and social relations (pp. 39<U+2013>101), Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Shields, A., & Cicchetti, D. (1997). Emotion regulation among school-age children: The development and validation of a new criterion q-sort scale. Developmental Psychology, 33, 906-916.
Waters, E., Noyes, D. M., Vaughn, B. E., & Ricks, M. (1985). Q-sort definitions of social competence and self-esteem: Discriminant validity of related constructs in theory and data. Developmental Psychology, 21, 508-522.