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qtl (version 1.39-5)

arithscan: Arithmetic operators for scanone and scantwo results


Add or subtract LOD scores in results from scanone or scantwo.


scan1+scan2 scan1-scan2


scan1, scan2
Genome scan results on the same set of chromosomes and markers, as output by scanone or scantwo.


The same type of data structure as the input objects, with LOD scores added or subtracted.


This is used to calculate the sum or difference of LOD scores of two genome scan results. It is particularly useful for calculating the LOD scores for QTL-by-covariate interactions (see the example, below). Note that the degrees of freedom are also added or subtracted.


Run this code

fake.bc <- calc.genoprob(fake.bc, step=2.5)

# covariates
ac <- pull.pheno(fake.bc, c("sex","age"))
ic <- pull.pheno(fake.bc, "sex")

# scan with additive but not the interactive covariate
out.acovar <- scanone(fake.bc, addcovar=ac)

# scan with interactive covariate
out.icovar <- scanone(fake.bc, addcovar=ac, intcovar=ic)

# plot the difference of with and without the interactive covariate
#     This is a LOD score for a test of QTL x covariate interaction

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab