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inferFounderHap: Crude reconstruction of founder haplotypes in multi-parent RIL


Uses groups of adjacent markers to infer the founder haplotypes in SNP data on multi-parent recombinant inbred lines.


inferFounderHap(cross, chr, max.n.markers=15)


An object of class cross. See read.cross for details.
Indicator of chromosome to consider. If multiple chromosomes are selected, only the first is used.
Maximum number of adjacent markers to consider.


A matrix of dimension nind(cross) $x$ no. markers, with the inferred founder origin for each line at each marker.


We omit SNPs for which any of the founders are missing.

We then consider groups of adjacent SNPs, looking for founder haplotypes that are unique; RIL sharing such a unique haplotype are then inferred to have that founder's DNA.

We consider each marker as the center of a haplotype, and consider haplotypes of size 1, 3, 5, ..., max.n.markers. We end the extension of the haplotypes when all founders have a unique haplotype.

See Also

sim.geno, calc.genoprob, fill.geno, argmax.geno


Run this code
map <- sim.map(100, n.mar=101, include.x=FALSE, eq.spacing=TRUE)
founderGeno <- simFounderSnps(map, "8")
ril <- sim.cross(map, n.ind=10, type="ri8sib", founderGeno=founderGeno)

h <- inferFounderHap(ril, max.n.markers=11)
mean(!is.na(h)) # proportion inferred
plot(map[[1]], h[1,], ylim=c(0.5, 8.5), xlab="Position", ylab="Genotype")

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