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qtl (version 1.39-5)

interpPositions: Interpolate positions from one map to another


On the basis of a pair of marker maps with common markers, take positions along one map and interpolate (or, past the terminal markers on a chromosome, extrapolate) their positions on the second map.


interpPositions(oldpositions, oldmap, newmap)


A data frame with two columns: chr (chromosome identifiers) and pos (positions, along oldmap).
An object of class "map"; see sim.map for details.
An object of class "map", with the same chromosomes and markers as oldmap.


oldpositions, with an additional column newpos with the interpolated positions along newmap.


In this explanation, take oldmap and newmap to be the physical and genetic maps, respectively.

We use linear interpolation within each interval, assuming a constant recombination rate within the interval. Past the terminal markers, we use linear extrapolation, using the chromosome-wide average recombination rate.

See Also

shiftmap, rescalemap, pull.map


Run this code

# hyper genetic map
gmap <- pull.map(hyper)

# a fake physical map, with each chromosome starting at 0.
pmap <- shiftmap(rescalemap(gmap, 2))

# positions on pmap to determine location on gmap
tofind <- data.frame(chr=c(1, 5, 17, "X"), pos=c(220, 20, 105, 10))
rownames(tofind) <- paste("loc", 1:nrow(tofind), sep="")

interpPositions(tofind, pmap, gmap)

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