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qtl (version 1.39-5)

plotModel: Plot a QTL model


Plot a graphical representation of a QTL model, with nodes representing QTL and line segments representing pairwise interactions.


plotModel(qtl, formula, circrad.rel=0.25, circrad.abs, cex.name=1, chronly=FALSE, order, ...)


A QTL object (as created by makeqtl) or vector of character strings indicating the names for the QTL. This is also allowed to be a list that contains a component named "chr" (and, optionally, components names "pos" and "formula").
Optional formula defining the QTL model. If missing, we look for an attribute "formula" to the input QTL object or a item named "formula" within the QTL object.
Radius of the circles that indicate the QTL, relative to the distance between the circles.
Optional radius of the circles that indicate the QTL; note that the plotting region will have x- and y-axis limits spanning 3 units.
Character expansion for the QTL names.
If TRUE and a formal QTL object is given, only the chromosome IDs are used to identify the QTL.
Optional vector indicating a permutation of the QTL to define where they are to appear in the plot. QTL are placed around a circle, starting at the top and going clockwise.
Passed to the function plot.


See Also

stepwiseqtl, makeqtl


Run this code
# plot a QTL model, using a vector of character strings to define the QTL
plotModel(c("1","4","6","15"), formula=y~Q1+Q2+Q3*Q4)

# plot an additive QTL model
hyper <- calc.genoprob(hyper)
qtl <- makeqtl(hyper, chr=c(1,4,6,15), pos=c(68.3,30,60,18), what="prob")

# include an interaction
plotModel(qtl, formula=y~Q1+Q2+Q3*Q4)

# alternatively, include the formula as an attribute to the QTL object
attr(qtl, "formula") <- y~Q1+Q2+Q3*Q4

# if formula given, the attribute within the object is ignored
plotModel(qtl, y~Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4)

# NULL formula indicates additive QTL model
plotModel(qtl, NULL)

# reorder the QTL in the figure
plotModel(qtl, order=c(1,3,4,2))

# show just the chromosome numbers
plotModel(qtl, chronly=TRUE)

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