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summary.scanoneperm: LOD thresholds from scanone permutation results


Print the estimated genome-wide LOD thresholds on the basis of permutation results from scanone (with n.perm > 0).


"summary"(object, alpha=c(0.05, 0.10), controlAcrossCol=FALSE, ...)


Output from the function scanone with n.perm > 0.
Genome-wide significance levels.
If TRUE, control error rate not just across the genome but also across the columns of LOD scores.
Ignored at this point.


An object of class summary.scanoneperm, to be printed by print.summary.scanoneperm. If there were X chromosome data and scanone was run with perm.Xsp=TRUE, there are two matrices in the results, for the autosome and X-chromosome LOD thresholds.


If there were autosomal data only or scanone was run with perm.Xsp=FALSE, genome-wide LOD thresholds are given; these are the 1-$alpha$ quantiles of the genome-wide maximum LOD scores from the permutations.

If there were autosomal and X chromosome data and scanone was run with perm.Xsp=TRUE, autosome- and X-chromsome-specific LOD thresholds are given, by the method described in Broman et al. (2006). Let $L_A$ and $L_X$ be total the genetic lengths of the autosomes and X chromosome, respectively, and let $L_T = L_A + L_X$ Then in place of $alpha$, we use $$\alpha_A = 1 - (1-\alpha)^{L_A/L_T}$$ as the significance level for the autosomes and $$\alpha_X = 1 - (1-\alpha)^{L_X/L_T}$$ as the significance level for the X chromosome. The result is a list with two matrices, one for the autosomes and one for the X chromosome.

If controlAcrossCol=TRUE, we use a trick to control the error rate not just across the genome but also across the LOD score columns. Namely, we convert each column of permutation results to ranks, and then for each permutation replicate we find the maximum rank across the columns. We then find the appropriate quantile of the maximized ranks, and then backtrack to the corresponding LOD score within each of the columns.


Broman, K. W., Sen, Ś, Owens, S. E., Manichaikul, A., Southard-Smith, E. M. and Churchill G. A. (2006) The X chromosome in quantitative trait locus mapping. Genetics, 174, 2151--2158.

Churchill, G. A. and Doerge, R. W. (1994) Empirical threshold values for quantitative trait mapping. Genetics 138, 963--971.

See Also

scanone, summary.scanone, plot.scanoneperm


Run this code

fake.f2 <- calc.genoprob(fake.f2, step=2.5)

operm1 <- scanone(fake.f2, n.perm=100, method="hk")

operm2 <- scanone(fake.f2, n.perm=100, method="hk", perm.Xsp=TRUE)

# Add noise column
fake.f2$pheno$noise <- rnorm(nind(fake.f2))
operm3 <- scanone(fake.f2, pheno.col=c("phenotype", "noise"), n.perm=10, method="hk")
summary(operm3, controlAcrossCol=TRUE, alpha=c(0.05, 0.36))

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