Numeric index to desired run. Must be between 0 and number of runs.
Proportion of MCMC samples to be considered as burnin. Taken from
qtlnet object usually.
Number identifying which model is best.
For c.qtlnet, objects of class qtlnet to be
joined. Ignored for subset.qtlnet.
Both return an object of class qtlnet.
The catenation is used by parallel.qtlnet in phase 5 to
join together multiple independent MCMC runs. Note that the averaged
network and the frequency of acceptance for a derived subset are only
based on the saved samples, while the original qtlnet objects
used all samples. Thus catenation and subset are not strictly reversible
The best.qtlnet routine picks the run with the best (lowest) BIC
score on average and returns that run as a qtlnet object. It also
produces a trace plot of BIC for all the runs.