## Not run: ------------------------------------
# ## compare to tm
# # tm version
# require(tm)
# data("crude")
# crude <- tm_map(crude, content_transformer(tolower))
# crude <- tm_map(crude, remove_punctuation)
# crude <- tm_map(crude, remove_numbers)
# crude <- tm_map(crude, stemDocument)
# tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(crude)
# findAssocs(tdm, c("oil", "opec", "xyz"), c(0.75, 0.82, 0.1))
# # in quanteda
# quantedaDfm <- new("dfmSparse", Matrix::Matrix(t(as.matrix(tdm))))
# as.list(textstat_simil(quantedaDfm, c("oil", "opec", "xyz"), margin = "features", n = 14))
# # in base R
# corMat <- as.matrix(proxy::simil(as.matrix(quantedaDfm), by_rows = FALSE))
# round(head(sort(corMat[, "oil"], decreasing = TRUE), 14), 2)
# round(head(sort(corMat[, "opec"], decreasing = TRUE), 9), 2)
## ---------------------------------------------
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