toks <- corpus_subset(data_corpus_irishbudget2010) %>%
tokens(remove_punct = TRUE) %>%
tokens_tolower() %>%
tokens_remove(pattern = stopwords("english"), padding = FALSE)
fcmat <- fcm(toks, context = "window", tri = FALSE)
feat <- names(topfeatures(fcmat, 30))
fcm_select(fcmat, pattern = feat) %>%
textplot_network(min_freq = 0.5)
fcm_select(fcmat, pattern = feat) %>%
textplot_network(min_freq = 0.8)
fcm_select(fcmat, pattern = feat) %>%
textplot_network(min_freq = 0.8, vertex_labelcolor = rep(c('gray40', NA), 15))
fcm_select(fcmat, pattern = feat) %>%
textplot_network(vertex_labelsize = 10)
fcm_30 <- fcm_select(fcmat, pattern = feat)
textplot_network(fcm_30, vertex_labelsize = rowSums(fcm_30)/min(rowSums(fcm_30)))
# Vector inputs to vertex_labelsize can be scaled if too small / large
textplot_network(fcm_30, vertex_labelsize = 1.5 * rowSums(fcm_30)/min(rowSums(fcm_30)))
# as.igraph
if (requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE)) {
txt <- c("a a a b b c", "a a c e", "a c e f g")
mat <- fcm(txt)
as.igraph(mat, min_freq = 1, omit_isolated = FALSE)
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab