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quanteda (version 4.1.0)

corpus_reshape: Recast the document units of a corpus


For a corpus, reshape (or recast) the documents to a different level of aggregation. Units of aggregation can be defined as documents, paragraphs, or sentences. Because the corpus object records its current "units" status, it is possible to move from recast units back to original units, for example from documents, to sentences, and then back to documents (possibly after modifying the sentences).


  to = c("sentences", "paragraphs", "documents"),
  use_docvars = TRUE,


A corpus object with the documents defined as the new units, including document-level meta-data identifying the original documents.



corpus whose document units will be reshaped


new document units in which the corpus will be recast


if TRUE, repeat the docvar values for each segmented text; if FALSE, drop the docvars in the segmented corpus. Dropping the docvars might be useful in order to conserve space or if these are not desired for the segmented corpus.


additional arguments passed to tokens(), since the syntactic segmenter uses this function)


Run this code
# simple example
corp1 <- corpus(c(textone = "This is a sentence.  Another sentence.  Yet another.",
                 textwo = "Premiere phrase.  Deuxieme phrase."),
                 docvars = data.frame(country=c("UK", "USA"), year=c(1990, 2000)))
summary(corpus_reshape(corp1, to = "sentences"))

# example with inaugural corpus speeches
(corp2 <- corpus_subset(data_corpus_inaugural, Year>2004))
corp2para <- corpus_reshape(corp2, to = "paragraphs")
summary(corp2para, 50, showmeta = TRUE)
## Note that Bush 2005 is recorded as a single paragraph because that text
## used a single \n to mark the end of a paragraph.

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab