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quanteda (version 4.1.0)

corpus_trim: Remove sentences based on their token lengths or a pattern match


Removes sentences from a corpus or a character vector shorter than a specified length.


  what = c("sentences", "paragraphs", "documents"),
  min_ntoken = 1,
  max_ntoken = NULL,
  exclude_pattern = NULL

char_trim( x, what = c("sentences", "paragraphs", "documents"), min_ntoken = 1, max_ntoken = NULL, exclude_pattern = NULL )


a corpus or character vector equal in length to the input. If the input was a corpus, then the all docvars and metadata are preserved. For documents whose sentences have been removed entirely, a null string ("") will be returned.



corpus or character object whose sentences will be selected.


units of trimming, "sentences" or "paragraphs", or "documents"

min_ntoken, max_ntoken

minimum and maximum lengths in word tokens (excluding punctuation). Note that these are approximate numbers of tokens based on checking for word boundaries, rather than on-the-fly full tokenisation.


a stringi regular expression whose match (at the sentence level) will be used to exclude sentences


Run this code
txt <- c("PAGE 1. This is a single sentence.  Short sentence. Three word sentence.",
         "PAGE 2. Very short! Shorter.",
         "Very long sentence, with multiple parts, separated by commas.  PAGE 3.")
corp <- corpus(txt, docvars = data.frame(serial = 1:3))

# exclude sentences shorter than 3 tokens
corpus_trim(corp, min_ntoken = 3)
# exclude sentences that start with "PAGE "
corpus_trim(corp, exclude_pattern = "^PAGE \\d+")

# trimming character objects
char_trim(txt, "sentences", min_ntoken = 3)
char_trim(txt, "sentences", exclude_pattern = "sentence\\.")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab