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quanteda (version 4.1.0)

dfm_select: Select features from a dfm or fcm


This function selects or removes features from a dfm or fcm, based on feature name matches with pattern. The most common usages are to eliminate features from a dfm already constructed, such as stopwords, or to select only terms of interest from a dictionary.


  pattern = NULL,
  selection = c("keep", "remove"),
  valuetype = c("glob", "regex", "fixed"),
  case_insensitive = TRUE,
  min_nchar = NULL,
  max_nchar = NULL,
  padding = FALSE,
  verbose = quanteda_options("verbose")

dfm_remove(x, ...)

dfm_keep(x, ...)

fcm_select( x, pattern = NULL, selection = c("keep", "remove"), valuetype = c("glob", "regex", "fixed"), case_insensitive = TRUE, verbose = quanteda_options("verbose"), ... )

fcm_remove(x, ...)

fcm_keep(x, ...)


A dfm or fcm object, after the feature selection has been applied.

For compatibility with earlier versions, when pattern is a dfm object and selection = "keep", then this will be equivalent to calling dfm_match(). In this case, the following settings are always used: case_insensitive = FALSE, and valuetype = "fixed". This functionality is deprecated, however, and you should use dfm_match() instead.



the dfm or fcm object whose features will be selected


a character vector, list of character vectors, dictionary, or collocations object. See pattern for details.


whether to keep or remove the features


the type of pattern matching: "glob" for "glob"-style wildcard expressions; "regex" for regular expressions; or "fixed" for exact matching. See valuetype for details.


logical; if TRUE, ignore case when matching a pattern or dictionary values

min_nchar, max_nchar

optional numerics specifying the minimum and maximum length in characters for tokens to be removed or kept; defaults are NULL for no limits. These are applied after (and hence, in addition to) any selection based on pattern matches.


if TRUE, record the number of removed tokens in the first column.


if TRUE, print message about how many pattern were removed


used only for passing arguments from dfm_remove or dfm_keep to dfm_select. Cannot include selection.


dfm_remove and fcm_remove are simply a convenience wrappers to calling dfm_select and fcm_select with selection = "remove".

dfm_keep and fcm_keep are simply a convenience wrappers to calling dfm_select and fcm_select with selection = "keep".

See Also



Run this code
dfmat <- tokens(c("My Christmas was ruined by your opposition tax plan.",
               "Does the United_States or Sweden have more progressive taxation?")) |>
    dfm(tolower = FALSE)
dict <- dictionary(list(countries = c("United_States", "Sweden", "France"),
                        wordsEndingInY = c("by", "my"),
                        notintext = "blahblah"))
dfm_select(dfmat, pattern = dict)
dfm_select(dfmat, pattern = dict, case_insensitive = FALSE)
dfm_select(dfmat, pattern = c("s$", ".y"), selection = "keep", valuetype = "regex")
dfm_select(dfmat, pattern = c("s$", ".y"), selection = "remove", valuetype = "regex")
dfm_select(dfmat, pattern = stopwords("english"), selection = "keep", valuetype = "fixed")
dfm_select(dfmat, pattern = stopwords("english"), selection = "remove", valuetype = "fixed")

# select based on character length
dfm_select(dfmat, min_nchar = 5)

dfmat <- dfm(tokens(c("This is a document with lots of stopwords.",
                      "No if, and, or but about it: lots of stopwords.")))
dfm_remove(dfmat, stopwords("english"))
toks <- tokens(c("this contains lots of stopwords",
                 "no if, and, or but about it: lots"),
               remove_punct = TRUE)
fcmat <- fcm(toks)
fcm_remove(fcmat, stopwords("english"))

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