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quanteda (version 4.1.0)

texts: Get or assign corpus texts [deprecated]



This function has been made defunct and replaced.

  • Use as.character.corpus() to turn a corpus into a simple named character vector.

  • Use corpus_group() instead of texts(x, groups = ...) to aggregate texts by a grouping variable.

  • Use [<- instead of texts()<- for replacing texts in a corpus object.


texts(x, groups = NULL, spacer = " ")

texts(x) <- value


For texts, a character vector of the texts in the corpus.

For texts <-, the corpus with the updated texts.

for texts <-, a corpus with the texts replaced by value



a corpus


grouping variable for sampling, equal in length to the number of documents. This will be evaluated in the docvars data.frame, so that docvars may be referred to by name without quoting. This also changes previous behaviours for groups. See news(Version >= "3.0", package = "quanteda") for details.


when concatenating texts by using groups, this will be the spacing added between texts. (Default is two spaces.)


character vector of the new texts


Get or replace the texts in a corpus, with grouping options. Works for plain character vectors too, if groups is a factor.