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quanteda (version 4.1.0)

tokens_trim: Trim tokens using frequency threshold-based feature selection


Returns a tokens object reduced in size based on document and term frequency, usually in terms of a minimum frequency, but may also be in terms of maximum frequencies. Setting a combination of minimum and maximum frequencies will select features based on a range.


  min_termfreq = NULL,
  max_termfreq = NULL,
  termfreq_type = c("count", "prop", "rank", "quantile"),
  min_docfreq = NULL,
  max_docfreq = NULL,
  docfreq_type = c("count", "prop", "rank", "quantile"),
  padding = FALSE,
  verbose = quanteda_options("verbose")


A tokens object with reduced size.



a dfm object

min_termfreq, max_termfreq

minimum/maximum values of feature frequencies across all documents, below/above which features will be removed


how min_termfreq and max_termfreq are interpreted. "count" sums the frequencies; "prop" divides the term frequencies by the total sum; "rank" is matched against the inverted ranking of features in terms of overall frequency, so that 1, 2, ... are the highest and second highest frequency features, and so on; "quantile" sets the cutoffs according to the quantiles (see quantile()) of term frequencies.

min_docfreq, max_docfreq

minimum/maximum values of a feature's document frequency, below/above which features will be removed


specify how min_docfreq and max_docfreq are interpreted. "count" is the same as [docfreq](x, scheme = "count"); "prop" divides the document frequencies by the total sum; "rank" is matched against the inverted ranking of document frequency, so that 1, 2, ... are the features with the highest and second highest document frequencies, and so on; "quantile" sets the cutoffs according to the quantiles (see quantile()) of document frequencies.


if TRUE, leave an empty string where the removed tokens previously existed.


print messages

See Also



Run this code
toks <- tokens(data_corpus_inaugural)

# keep only words occurring >= 10 times and in >= 2 documents
tokens_trim(toks, min_termfreq = 10, min_docfreq = 2, padding = TRUE)

# keep only words occurring >= 10 times and no more than 90% of the documents
tokens_trim(toks, min_termfreq = 10, max_docfreq = 0.9, docfreq_type = "prop",
            padding = TRUE)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab