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quanteda (version 4.1.0)

tokens_xptr: Methods for tokens_xptr objects


Methods for creating and testing for tokens_xptr objects, which are tokens objects containing pointers to memory locations that can be passed by reference for efficient processing in tokens_*() functions that modify them, or for constructing a document-feature matrix without requiring a deep copy to be passed to dfm().

is.tokens_xptr() tests whether an object is of class tokens_xtpr.

as.tokens_xptr() coerces a tokens object to an external pointer-based tokens object, or returns a deep copy of a tokens_xtpr when x is already a tokens_xtpr object.




# S3 method for tokens as.tokens_xptr(x)

# S3 method for tokens_xptr as.tokens_xptr(x)


is.tokens_xptr() returns TRUE if the object is a external pointer-based tokens object, FALSE otherwise.

as.tokens_xptr() returns a (deep copy of a) tokens_xtpr class object.



a tokens object to convert or a tokens_xptr class object to deep copy.