Fetch current stock quote(s) from specified source. At present this only
handles sourcing quotes from Yahoo Finance, but it will be extended to
additional sources over time.
character string of symbols, seperated by semi-colons
source of data (only yahoo is implemented in quantmod)
what should be retrieved
which data should be retrieved
currently unused
A maximum of 200 symbols may be requested per call to Yahoo!, and
all requested will be returned in one data.frame object.
If more that 200 symbols are requested, multiple 200 symbol calls will be made
and the results will be returned as one data object.getQuote returns a data frame with rows matching the number of Symbols
requested, and the columns matching the requested columns.The what argument allows for specific data to be requested. For
getQuote.yahoo, the value of what should be a quoteFormat
object like that returned by standardQuote which contains Yahoo!'s
formatting string. If not provided, the A list and interactive selection tool can be seen with
yahooQF.standardQuote currently only applied to Yahoo! data, and returns
an object of class quoteFormat, for use within the getQuote function.yahooQuote.EOD is a constant quoteFormat object for OHLCV data.