Charting tool to create standard financial charts given a time series like object. Serves as the base function for future technical analysis additions. Possible chart styles include candles, matches (1 pixel candles), bars, and lines. Chart may have white or black background.
allows for dynamic changes to the chart without
having to respecify the full chart parameters.
type = c("auto", "candlesticks", "matchsticks", "bars","line"),
subset = NULL,
show.grid = TRUE,
name = NULL,
time.scale = NULL,
log.scale = FALSE,
TA = 'addVo()',
line.type = "l",
bar.type = "ohlc",
theme = chartTheme("black"),
layout = NA,
major.ticks='auto', minor.ticks=TRUE,
up.col,dn.col,color.vol = TRUE, multi.col = FALSE,
...)reChart(type = c("auto", "candlesticks", "matchsticks", "bars","line"),
subset = NULL,
show.grid = TRUE,
name = NULL,
time.scale = NULL,
line.type = "l",
bar.type = "ohlc",
theme = chartTheme("black"),
major.ticks='auto', minor.ticks=TRUE,
up.col,dn.col,color.vol = TRUE, multi.col = FALSE,
an OHLC object - see details
style of chart to draw
xts style date subsetting argument
display price grid lines?
name of chart
what is the timescale? automatically deduced (broken)
should the y-axis be log-scaled?
a vector of technical indicators and params, or character strings
TA delimiter for TA strings
type of line in line chart
type of barchart - ohlc or hlc
a chart.theme object
bypass internal layout
where should major ticks be drawn
should minor ticks be draw?
override y-scale
should plot be drawn
up bar/candle color
down bar/candle color
color code volume?
4 color candle pattern
additional parameters
Returns a standard chart plus volume, if available, suitably scaled.
If plot=FALSE
a chob object will be returned.
Currently displays standard style OHLC charts familiar in financial applications, or line charts when not passes OHLC data. Works with objects having explicit time-series properties.
Line charts are created with close data, or from single column time series.
The subset
argument can be used to specify a
particular area of the series to view. The underlying
series is left intact to allow for TA functions to
use the full data set. Additionally, it is possible
to use syntax borrowed from the first
and last
functions, e.g. ‘last 4 months’.
allows for the inclusion of a variety of
chart overlays and tecnical indicators. A full list is
available from addTA
. The default TA argument is
- which adds volume, if available, to the
chart being drawn.
requires an object of class chart.theme
, created
by a call to chartTheme
. This function can be used to modify the
look of the resulting chart. See chart.theme
for details.
and bar.type
allow further fine tuning of
chart styles to user tastes.
implements a color coding scheme used in some
charting applications, and follows the following rules:
grey => Op[t] < Cl[t] and Op[t] < Cl[t-1]
white => Op[t] < Cl[t] and Op[t] > Cl[t-1]
red => Op[t] > Cl[t] and Op[t] < Cl[t-1]
black => Op[t] > Cl[t] and Op[t] > Cl[t-1]
takes any number of arguments from the original
chart call --- and redraws the chart with the updated parameters.
One item of note: if multiple color bars/candles are desired,
it is necessary to respecify the theme
argument. Additionally
it is not possible to change TA parameters at present. This must be
done with addTA/dropTA/swapTA/moveTA commands.
Josh Ulrich - TTR package and multi.col coding
chartSeries(YHOO, subset='last 4 months')
chartSeries(YHOO, subset='2007::2008-01')
chartSeries(YHOO,TA=NULL) #no volume
chartSeries(YHOO,TA=c(addVo(),addBBands())) #add volume and Bollinger Bands from TTR
addMACD() # add MACD indicator to current chart
chartSeries(YHOO) #draws chart again, this time will all indicators present
# }
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