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quantmod (version 0.4.20)

Next: Advance a Time Series


Create a new series with all values advanced forward one period. The value of period 1, becomes the value at period 2, value at 2 becomes the original value at 3, etc. The opposite of Lag. NA is used to fill.


Next(x, k = 1)

# S3 method for quantmod.OHLC Next(x,k=1)

# S3 method for zoo Next(x,k=1)

# S3 method for data.frame Next(x,k=1)

# S3 method for numeric Next(x,k=1)


The original x appended with k

NAs and missing the leading k values.

The returned series maintains the number of obs. of the original.

Unlike Lag, only one value for k is allowed.



vector or series to be advanced


periods to advance


Jeffrey A. Ryan


Shift series k-periods up, appending NAs to end of series.

Specifically designed to handle quantmod.OHLC and zoo series within the quantmod workflow.

If no S3 method is found, a call to lag in base is made, with the indexing reversed to shift the time series forward.

See Also

specifyModel, Lag


Run this code
Stock.Close <- c(102.12,102.62,100.12,103.00,103.87,103.12,105.12)
Close.Dates <- as.Date(c(10660,10661,10662,10665,10666,10667,10668),origin="1970-01-01")
Stock.Close <- zoo(Stock.Close,Close.Dates)

Next(Stock.Close)       #one period ahead
Next(Stock.Close,k=1)   #same


if (FALSE) {
# a simple way to build a model of next days
# IBM close, given todays. Technically both
# methods are equal, though the former is seen
# as more intuitive...ymmv
specifyModel(Next(Cl(IBM)) ~ Cl(IBM))
specifyModel(Cl(IBM) ~ Lag(Cl(IBM)))

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