First time installation
devtools::install_github("quipu", "c5sire")
Right-click on link to download the tutorial.
Standardizing molecular diversity profiles of plant genetic resources using concepts from Andean quipus
Simon R*, Carhuapoma R, Hualla V, de Haan S, Ghislain M, Nuňez J, Zorilla C, Gomez R, de Mendiburu F, Roca W, Bonierbale M
The chart shows SSR marker weights on a linear scale where each allele or 'gel band' is represented by a circle. The circle's diameter can be sized proportionally by its rareness (default: the wider the rarer) within a set of accessions. The purpose is to facilitate the visual screening and comparison of genotypes with regard to these two questions:
What is the overall pattern of alleles in a genotype?
Which genotypes have rare alleles?
A sample image showing a fully annotated chart (parameter 'layout = "full"':
A sample image showing a minimal chart (parameter 'layout = "no text"':