## Overdispersed Poisson loglinear model for ship damage data
## from McCullagh and Nelder (1989), Sec 6.3.2
ships$year <- as.factor(ships$year)
ships$period <- as.factor(ships$period)
shipmodel <- glm(formula = incidents ~ type + year + period,
family = quasipoisson,
data = ships, subset = (service > 0), offset = log(service))
qvs <- qvcalc(shipmodel, "type")
summary(qvs, digits = 4)
plot(qvs, col = c(rep("red", 4), "blue"))
## if we want to plot in decreasing order (of estimates):
est <- qvs$qvframe$estimate
qvs2 <- qvs
qvs2$qvframe <- qvs$qvframe[order(est, decreasing = TRUE), , drop = FALSE]
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