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r2d2 (version 1.0.2)

r2d2-package: Bivariate (Two-Dimensional) Confidence Region and Frequency Distribution


This package provides generic functions to analyze the distribution of two continuous variables.



Arni Magnusson and Julian Burgos, based on earlier functions by Gregory R. Warnes.


Bivariate calculations:

conf2dempirical confidence region, a smooth polygon
freq2dfrequency distribution, a table


saitheMCMC results in two columns
UshapeU-shaped cloud in two columns


Bivand, R.S., Pebesma, E., and Gomez-Rubio, V. (2013). Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R. Second edition. New York: Springer.

Venables, W.N. and Ripley, B.D. (2002). Modern Applied Statistics with S. Fourth edition. New York: Springer.

Wand, M.P. and Jones, M.C. (1995). Kernel Smoothing. London: Chapman and Hall.

See Also

Combines existing tools from the KernSmooth, MASS, and sp packages.