# Set directory and extract ouput from models
# Model 1 needs to be the Reference model, with sensitivity runs following
# from run 2 on.
# Note: models are available in Jason Cope's github repository:
# https://github.com/shcaba/Stock-Assessment-Sensitivity-Plots/
dir <-
models.dirs <- paste0("Cab_SCS_MS_", 1:19)
zz <- SSgetoutput(dirvec = file.path(dir, models.dirs))
# Use the summarize function in r4ss to get model summaries
model.summaries <- SSsummarize(zz)
# Define the names of each model. This will be used to label runs in the
# table and in the figures.
mod.names <- c(
"M: Fix to 2009",
"M: Fix to prior",
"M: Fix to Hamel",
"M: Fix to VBGF",
"M: Fix to OR",
"VBGF 2009",
"VBGF Grebel",
"OR maturity",
"Est. h",
"All rec devs",
"No rec devs",
"High bias adj.",
"Harmonic mean",
"Wts = 1",
"No blocks",
"First blocks in 2000",
"Alt rec catches"
# Run the sensitivity plot function
model.summaries = model.summaries,
dir = dir,
current.year = 2019,
mod.names = mod.names, # List the names of the sensitivity runs
likelihood.out = c(1, 1, 0),
Sensi.RE.out = "Sensi_RE_out.DMP", # Saved file of relative errors
CI = 0.95, # Confidence interval box based on the reference model
TRP.in = 0.4, # Target relative abundance value
LRP.in = 0.25, # Limit relative abundance value
sensi_xlab = "Sensitivity scenarios", # X-axis label
ylims.in = c(-1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1), # Y-axis label
plot.figs = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), # Which plots to make/save?
sensi.type.breaks = c(6.5, 9.5, 13.5, 16.5), # vertical breaks
anno.x = c(3.75, 8, 11.5, 15, 18), # positioning of types labels
anno.y = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1), # positioning of types labels
anno.lab = c(
"Natural mortality", "VBGF/Mat.", "Recruitment", "Data Wts.",
) # Sensitivity types labels
# }
# }
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