Cumulative catch contributions for each cohort are plotted based on estimated catch-at-age matrix and weight-at-age values by fleet. Curves are shown in units of both numbers and biomass.
subplots = 1:2,
add = FALSE,
plot = TRUE,
print = FALSE,
cohortcols = "default",
cohortfrac = 1,
cohortvec = NULL,
cohortlabfrac = 0.1,
cohortlabvec = NULL,
lwd = 3,
plotdir = "default",
xlab = "Year",
labels = c("Age", "Cumulative catch by cohort (in numbers x1000)",
"Cumulative catch by cohort (x1000 mt)"),
pwidth = 6.5,
pheight = 5,
punits = "in",
res = 300,
ptsize = 10,
cex.main = 1,
verbose = TRUE
A list object created by SS_output()
Vector controlling which subplots to create
Add to existing plot? (not yet implemented)
Plot to active plot device?
Print to PNG files?
Vector of colors to show for each cohort. Default is range of colors shade indicating time period.
What fraction of the cohorts to include in plot. If value
< 1 is used, then cohorts are filtered to only include those with the
highest maximum cumulative catch. Value will be overridden by
Optional vector of birth years for cohorts to include in
plot. Value overrides cohortfrac
What fraction of the cohorts to label in plot. By
default, top 10% of cohorts are labeled. Value will be overridden by
Optional vector of birth years for cohorts to label in
plot. Value overrides cohortlabfrac
Line width
Directory where PNG or PDF files will be written. By default it will be the directory where the model was run.
x-label for all plots
Vector of labels for plots (titles and axis labels)
Width of plot
Height of plot
Units for PNG file
Resolution of plots printed to files.
The default is res = 300
point size for PNG file
Character expansion for plot titles (no titles in this function yet)
Report progress to R console?