Plot yield and surplus production from Stock Synthesis output. Surplus production is based on Walters et al. (2008).
subplots = 1:4,
refpoints = c("MSY", "Btgt", "SPR", "Current"),
add = FALSE,
plot = TRUE,
print = FALSE,
labels = c("Fraction unfished", "Equilibrium yield (mt)", "Total biomass (mt)",
"Surplus production (mt)", "Yield per recruit (kg)"),
col = "blue",
col2 = "black",
lty = 1,
lwd = 2,
cex.main = 1,
pwidth = 6.5,
pheight = 5,
punits = "in",
res = 300,
ptsize = 10,
plotdir = "default",
verbose = TRUE
A list object created by SS_output()
vector controlling which subplots to create Numbering of subplots is as follows:
1 yield curve
2 yield curve with reference points
3 surplus production vs. biomass plots (Walters et al. 2008)
character vector of which reference points to display in subplot 2, from the options 'MSY', 'Btgt', and 'SPR'.
add to existing plot? (not yet implemented)
plot to active plot device?
print to PNG files?
vector of labels for plots (titles and axis labels)
line color for equilibrium plot
line color for dynamic surplus production plot
line type (only applied to equilibrium yield plot at this time)
line width (only applied to equilibrium yield plot at this time)
character expansion for plot titles
width of plot
height of plot
units for PNG file
Resolution of plots printed to files.
The default is res = 300
point size for PNG file
directory where PNG files will be written. by default it will be the directory where the model was run.
report progress to R GUI?
Walters, Hilborn, and Christensen, 2008, Surplus production dynamics in declining and recovering fish populations. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 65: 2536-2551