Creates a table comparing key quantities from multiple models, which is a
reduction of the full information in various parts of the list created using
the SSsummarize
models = "all",
likenames = c("TOTAL", "Survey", "Length_comp", "Age_comp", "priors", "Size_at_age"),
names = c("Recr_Virgin", "R0", "steep", "NatM", "L_at_Amax", "VonBert_K", "SSB_Virg",
"Bratio_2021", "SPRratio_2020"),
digits = NULL,
modelnames = "default",
csv = FALSE,
csvdir = "workingdirectory",
csvfile = "parameter_comparison_table.csv",
verbose = TRUE,
mcmc = FALSE
list created by SSsummarize
optional subset of the models described in
. Either "all" or a vector of numbers indicating
columns in summary tables.
Labels for likelihood values to include, should match
substring of labels in summaryoutput[["likelihoods"]]
Labels for parameters or derived quantities to include, should
match substring of labels in summaryoutput[["pars"]]
Optional vector of the number of decimal digits to use in reporting each quantity.
optional vector of labels to use as column names. Default is 'model1','model2',etc.
write resulting table to CSV file?
directory for optional CSV file
filename for CSV file
report progress to R GUI?
summarize MCMC output in table?