Generates an a plot from a given ENA set object
title = "ENA Plot",
dimension.labels = c("", ""),
font.size = 10,
font.color = "#000000", = c("Arial", "Courier New", "Times New Roman"), = "network",
used for plotting an ENAset
The ENAset
that will be used to generate a plot
A character used for the title of the plot, default: ENA Plot
A character vector containing labels for the axes, default: c(X, Y)
An integer determining the font size for graph labels, default: 10
A character determining the color of label font, default: black
A character determining the font type, choices: Arial, Courier New, Times New Roman, default: Arial
"network" (default), "points", or a list with x and y ranges. Network and points both scale to the c(-max, max) of the corresponding data.frame
additional parameters addressed in inner function
This function defines the axes and other features of a plot for displaying an ENAset; generates an ENAplot object that can used to plot points, network graphs, and other information from an ENAset
, ena.plot.points