Calculate both Spearman and Pearson correlations for the provided ENAset
tool = "rENA",
tool.version = as.character(packageVersion(tool)),
comparison = NULL,
comparison.groups = NULL,
sig.dig = 2,
output_dir = getwd(),
type = c("file", "stream"),
theory = T,
methods = T,
params = NULL,
output_file = NULL,
output_format = NULL
String representing the methods used to generate the model
ENAset to view methods of
character string representing the comparison used, c(NULL, "parametric", "non-parametric"). Default NULL
Groups that were used for the comparison
Integer for the number of digits to round to
Where to save the output file
c("file","stream") File will save to a file in output_dir, Stream returns the contents directly
Logical indicating whether to include theory in the writeup
Logical indicating whether to include methods in the writeup
additional parameters for rmarkdown::render